TIME: Workplace Salaries: At Last, Women on Top

Article here. Excerpt:

'The fact that the average American working woman earns only about 8o% of what the average American working man earns has been something of a festering sore for at least half the population for several decades. And despite many programs and analyses and hand-wringing and badges and even some legislation, the figure hasn't budged much in the past five years.

But now there's evidence that the ship may finally be turning around: according to a new analysis of 2,000 communities by a market research company, in 147 out of 150 of the biggest cities in the U.S., the median full-time salaries of young women are 8% higher than those of the guys in their peer group. In two cities, Atlanta and Memphis, those women are making about 20% more. This squares with earlier research from Queens College, New York, that had suggested that this was happening in major metropolises. But the new study suggests that the gap is bigger than previously thought, with young women in New York City, Los Angeles and San Diego making 17%, 12% and 15% more than their male peers, respectively. And it also holds true even in reasonably small areas like the Raleigh-Durham region and Charlotte in North Carolina (both 14% more), and Jacksonville, Fla. (6%).

Significantly, the conditions that are feeding the rise in female wages — a growing knowledge-based economy, the decline of a manufacturing base and an increasing minority population — are dominant trends throughout the U.S. "This generation [of women] has adapted to the fundamental restructuring of the American economy better than their older predecessors or male peers," says Chung. While the economic advantage of women sometimes evaporates as they age and have families, Chung believes that women now may have enough leverage that their financial gains may not be completely erased as they get older.'

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That venerable old news magazine that became a feminist shill machine back in the 80s flounders along looking for readership... like so many other news magazines it has simply not gotten with the TIMEs (heh heh heh) in so many ways. But aside all that, there is the matter of them simply churning out misinformation and people knowing it. They repeat the same old wag gap myth lies over and over again even after they have been widely shown to be inaccurate. And as their readership still goes down, down, down, they wonder, "What are we doing wrong?" Answer, Time: you are lying. THAT is what you are doing wrong. And people don't like to be lied to.

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I did a survey recently of some of the high tech firms in the portland area.
Women are definitely making more than men "situated similarly" at such mainstream employers like Intel. They start at higher price points and continue there, unless they are a lemon. They simply will pay more to increase their 'diversity'. Which, ultimately, is wage discrimination.

oregon dad

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