'Alpha-Male' Role in Hollywood Is a Dying Trend, Experts Say

Article here. Excerpt:

'So, is this shift in Hollywood’s leading men from macho to meek a reflection of a changing society in which women are becoming more independent, earning more money and perhaps don’t want a more dominant partner? It could be so, according to an article published earlier this year by the Wall Street Journal, based on studies by FaceResearch.org, the online psychology laboratory of the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. The study concluded that the majority of the 4,800 female participants were more attracted to the more feminine-featured males.

“In America today, we’re seeing a lot more boys disconnected with their own sense of masculinity, due in large part due to higher divorce rates, dad’s working longer hours – the strong father figure is often not around and that’s why the ‘geek’ has become much more mainstream,” explained psychiatrist Dr. Paul Dobransky, author of “Masculinity Code.”

However, Dobransky doesn’t believe the ultra-masculine man is endangered – he’s just evolving.

“Hollywood makes its movies to appeal to women, they’re the prime consumers. Women want to see what empowers them, and the ‘Rambo’ type of film is not exactly food for the soul for ladies who can’t really relate to it. [This] is why it’s not made much anymore,” he said. “These days, the superhero film is a substitute for the super-masculine action film.”'

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"Female participants were more attracted to the more feminine-featured males?"
You got to be kidding me.

Or, maybe the definition of feminine-features are different here?

No wonder us men are confused about what women want!!


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you give them extra handouts every step of the way, and they still want everything, all the time.

affirmative acion help at every level. free college, just have a baby w/o a father.
title ix to destroy male sports. welfare, gov handouts for halfwits programs on every corner.
gov schemes, billions of $$$ v.a.w.a. handouts every year to throw into the wind. pay more fem lawyers.

had to have everything in marriage handed to them. c.s. w/ no top end, automatic custody, alimony, palimony, hundred million
$$$$ divorce awards, for a couple years marriage? now nobody w/ a brain wants to join
that mangina club. what's the average u.s. marriage 'forever' now, maybe 3 years?
shucks, they even tell us who we can date (i.m.b.r.a.).

running men out of the classrooms w/ the potential of false accusations, and catering to little girls
to make sure the boys are not welcome in schools. this hared of men runs deep.

false accusations of rape, molestation, d.v., you name it. no need to worry. no significant punishment in sight.
we need a way for women to kill men. wait. just claim he was mean and wanted you wear a wig during sex. the dirty @#$%%.

real women want abortion, on demand. even partial birth. and let's pay for it w/ tax $$$, again.
let's make sure overseas women can get them too, tax $$$ of course, as usual.
mostly paid for by mens tax $$$.

i guess now if they could just make men more like themselves, they could compete.

looks like that little rat african ba$turd they wanted for el prezidente is their new male role model.
he sure spends other people's $$$ on nothing like one of them.

yep, nuttin new.

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