Australia: More Rorts for "Victims" of DV - Female Ones Only Of Course

The gravy train for victims of DV (female only) just gets longer and longer here in Australia. Universities in Australia are mostly publicly-funded so it is only a small step until this becomes a mandatory benefit for all female public servants. Just another way for taxpayers' (mostly men) money to be handed over to females. Of course no mention of male victims of DV even though it is becoming almost impossible for the media, governments and academics to keep denying the irrefutable truth. -- Great Southern Lander


'Victims of domestic violence will get an extra 20 days of paid leave a year as part of a historic clause in an enterprise agreement.

In a first for Australian workplaces, the Public Service Association of NSW has been negotiating with the University of NSW to allow its workers to take special leave to attend court, counselling or a doctor.

The union has also written to Premier Kristina Keneally, urging her to include the domestic violence provisions in the award that covers many of the state's 300,000 public servants.

Ms Keneally asked the Department of Premier and Cabinet to meet the union. Preliminary talks were held this month to discuss a statewide domestic violence clause.

The clause will also ensure bosses cannot sack or suspend an employee if their attendance or work performance suffers because of domestic violence. Human resources staff will receive training in domestic violence issues.'

Ed. note: For those not familiar with the term "rort":

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Things like this create an invitation to falsely report DV. Is there any mechanism by which employers can validate the claim or is it like calling in sick? It's a cycle then if there is an incentive to say that one is a DV victim without any further need to substantiate it just to get time off from work, leading to inflated DV stats, leading to a perceived need for more DV funding and services and laws like this one, and on and on it goes.

I wonder how just unintended such side effects would be.

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