Allstate not listening-- time for action

From Abusegate Bob:

Last week we alerted persons about Allstate Insurance Company’s flawed DV statistics: Many responded, but as seen from the four responses below, Allstate still doesn’t understand that DoJ crime reports provide a biased depiction of DV.

So folks, it’s time we send a powerful message to Allstate: CANCEL YOUR POLICY…AND DO IT NOW!


Dear Mr. A:

You recently contacted us regarding the Allstate Foundation’s on-line resources about ending domestic violence, and your e-mail was brought to my attention. Thank you for sharing your feedback, which is important to us. I would like to take a moment to personally respond to your concerns.

In regard to The Allstate Foundation Domestic Violence Program, I think it would be helpful to first share some background information regarding our involvement with this worthy cause. The Allstate Foundation joined with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) in 2005. Since this partnership began, we have been committed to promoting economic empowerment strategies that can help to reduce the domestic abuse that plagues many households. Also, the programs the Allstate Foundation supports have positively influenced many lives and were chosen based on research provided by the United States Department of Justice.

However, please keep in mind that even though the Allstate Foundation is unable to financially support certain programs it doesn’t mean we don’t recognize that both men and women may be living in abusive situations.

We appreciate your comments, and we thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Honest feedback like yours helps us to more fully understand the issues that are being faced by so many every day.

Edith Briggs
Allstate Customer Resolution Specialist
1-800-570-6206 EXT 4561


Dear Mr. B:

You recently contacted us regarding the Allstate Foundation’s on-line resources about ending domestic violence, and your e-mail was brought to my attention. Thank you for sharing your feedback, which is important to us. I would like to take a moment to personally respond to your concerns.

In regard to The Allstate Foundation Domestic Violence Program, I think it would be helpful to first share some background information regarding our involvement with this worthy cause. The Allstate Foundation joined with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) in 2005. Since this partnership began, we have been committed to promoting economic empowerment strategies that can help to reduce the domestic abuse that plagues many households. Also, the programs the Allstate Foundation supports have positively influenced many lives and were chosen based on research provided by the United States Department of Justice.

Also, thank you for suggesting Fiebert ML. References Examining Assaults by Women on their Spouses or Male Partners. California State University, 2010. (, Archer J. Sex Differences in Aggression Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review. Psychological Bulletin Vol. 126, No. 5, 2000), (Stith S, Smith DB, Penn CE, et al. Intimate partner physical abuse perpetration and victimization risk factors: A meta-analytic review, and Aggression and Violent Behavior Vol. 10, 2004. pp. 65-98) as additional resources related to domestic violence. However, since we do not currently support these organizations, we can not provide links for them on our web pages.

However, please keep in mind that even though the Allstate Foundation is unable to financially support certain programs it doesn’t mean we don’t recognize that both men and women may be living in abusive situations.

We appreciate your comments, and we thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Honest feedback like yours helps us to more fully understand the issues that are being faced by so many every day.

I’m going to close your file for now but please reply to this e-mail at your earliest convenience if you have any questions. I can be reached between the hours of 9:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


Victor Rice

Allstate Customer Resolution Specialist

CES@Roanoke ASAP
1-800-570-6206, x4523
1-866-224-5548, fax


Dear Mr. C,

You recently contacted us regarding the Allstate Foundation’s on-line resources about ending domestic violence, and your email was brought to my attention. Thank you for sharing your feedback, which is important to us. I would like to take a moment to personally respond to your concerns.

In regard to The Allstate Foundation Domestic Violence Program, I think it would be helpful to first share some background information regarding our involvement with this worthy cause. The Allstate Foundation joined with the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) in 2005. Since this partnership began, we have been committed to promoting economic empowerment strategies that can help to reduce the domestic abuse that plagues many households. Also, the programs the Allstate Foundation supports have positively influenced many lives and were chosen based on research provided by the United States Department of Justice.

However, please keep in mind that even though the Allstate Foundation is unable to financially support certain programs it doesn’t mean we don’t recognize that both men and women may be living in abusive situations.

We appreciate your comments, and we thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Honest feedback like yours helps us to more fully understand the issues that are being faced by so many every day.

I’m going to close your file for now but please reply to this e-mail at your earliest convenience if you have any questions. I can be reached between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.


1-800-995-2572 EXT. 4573


Dear Dr. D,

Thank you for taking the time to look into our domestic violence program and for your clear passion to fight this issue that impacts so many people. We try to keep our program gender-neutral and certainly do not wish to exclude any victims of domestic violence, male or female. We believe our program and website reflect this commitment. While we acknowledge that domestic violence impacts both men and women, our work is guided by studies by the U.S. Department of Justice studies and many others showing that women comprise the vast majority of domestic violence victims. One such study found that women make up 84% of spouse abuse victims and 86% of abuse victims by a boyfriend or girlfriend.[1]

We hope this helps to clarify our position on the issue. Thank you for your comments.


The Allstate Foundation

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Fine, send them a letter or call them. Fine, stand outside their HQ with a sign. Fine, don't buy their brand of peanut butter (or any other recurring retail purchase) any more. Those things are easy to do. But canceling your insurance policy... that is not easy, and that is not wise (until you have another one lined up at a comparable cost). In this economy, canceling your insurance policy is not something that you do lightly. You may find yourself uninsurable, and unable to get a replacement at any cost. There may be extra fees, or a period you have to pay for, a period when you don't get coverage. I wonder how many activists will hurt themselves with this impractical recommendation...

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All one needs to do is line up comparable insurance with another company and switch. When I switched from State Farm to Farmers because of State Farm's ethical problems, I wound up saving money and getting a little more coverage. It really wasn't much trouble.

Allstate is relatively expensive compared to its competition. The impact Allstate may feel would be 30-90 days out as people switch policies. If I had Allstate, I'd switch to someone else. Allstate is just like any other business that abuses its customers -- the only way to punish them is to shop elsewhere.

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Sure, if you're a terrible driver with a terrible record it could be impractical, but basic actuarial science says the VAST majority of people aren't. For most people, switching is as easy as picking up the phone or going online and doing a little research.

Unfortunately, I am not an AllState customer. Otherwise, I would be switched today.

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Just find something different. Its not like most people did that much homework when choosing to begin with and allstate is not necessarily the best deal. Do you really want your money supporting that BS anyways?

This isn't exactly difficult activism for most people...

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I still never got an actual response from Allstate like they said they would. They probably got alot of emails...

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Fight back never is, but sometimes it has to be done.

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I have switched ins. companies for car or home several times in my life and all it took was a phone call and a fax. No problem at all.

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Sent via email:

Ken Deemer, who runs a Yahoo group called Shattered Men ( spoke to an Allstate representative last week about their DV statistics that deny the existence of male victims. This is what happened during the call:

I informed the Allstate representative that we have seen about 2 dozen men who were within moments of taking their own life when they found Shattered Men. They said "FINALLY....someone will believe ME!" And they were kept from suicide.

Then I asked the Allstate representative to think about the next time he reads about a domestic suicide or a ask himself if Allstate had taken the lead in addressing MEN who are victims of domestic abuse...would THEY have prevented the tragedy.....and that by NOT looking at both sides.....the NEXT murder/suicide or suicide may well be on THEIR hands.

But Allstate now says, “NO.” .... MEN are NOT in good hands with ALLSTATE!

So pass this message along to your friends and neighbors: “Men are NOT in good hands with Allstate!”

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Call an Allstate agent and say that you would like to talk to him or better yet to HER about purchasing home and auto insurance. After they enthusiastically give you their canned talk about how better Allstate is over your present insurer tell them you are impressed. Then ask them about the horrible and misandric company policy about ignoring 50% of the victims of domestic violence and give them the links to that information. By going after the agents you get to the meat of the company. They don't like to lose any potential customers! And they will let the home office know about it.

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So I received the same canned response as "Mr. D" did. Has anyone put together an "official" refutation of the following study yet?

Matthew R.Durose et al., U.S. Dep't. of Justice, Family Violence
Statistics: Including Statistics on Strangers and Acquaintances 1, June

We have been complaining about this study for awhile, so I assume someone has read through it and put together a thoughtful, non-emotional response.

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Allstate is justifying its misandry on old outdated government statistics! One is over 10 years old!

From site:

1 Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Homicide Victims by Gender, 2005.
2 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence, July 2000.

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