IA: August News: U.S. Circumcision Rate Drops to Just 33%!‏

This email action form is from an IA newsletter:

'The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force on Circumcision has been meeting to finalize its policy on routine male circumcision. Having recently retracted its policy statement calling for a lift of the Federal ban on female genital cutting – and with U.S. circumcision rates at an all-time low – the AAP must now stand up and protect the rights of ALL children to an intact body.

While the AAP prepares to go public with its statement, it’s critical that it hear directly from people who oppose circumcision. Remind them that it’s wrong – morally, medically, and ethically – and that doctors took an oath to “do no harm.'

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33% is still way too many babies having their genitalia mutilated soon after being born.

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.....That we are 1/3 of the way there and making progress every day as the rate continues to drop.

Is there a HUGE force opposing us trying to maintain the barbaric practice of cutting young boys genitals? Yes. But more and more people every day are hearing the truth that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to alter a young males genitals.

You don't need 5 toes on each foot but you don't see ant campaigns to routinely cut off and infants baby toes because they are superfluous. So leave boys penis' alone to.

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"You don't need 5 toes on each foot but you don't see ant (sic) campaigns to routinely cut off and infants baby toes because they are superfluous."

The prepuce is not superfluous and in fact, is an integral part of the normal, functioning adult penis (see http://www.circumstitions.com/Functions.html).

The circumcision-lobby want to continue the myth that the prepuce serves no function because it augments their argument that at the very least, MGC does no real harm, so let parents decide.

Unfortunately, mis-guided arguments by well meaning intactivists often play into the hands of the circumcision-lobby and give them openings and forums that they do not deserve.

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