Politico: 'Good ol' boys' in Warren's way?

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'As President Barack Obama closes in on picking a new federal consumer protection chief, critics’ arguments against liberal favorite Elizabeth Warren are getting louder.
But some of Warren’s supporters see a deeper problem at work against her — in their view, the Treasury Department is a stodgy old boys club poised to blackball Warren from getting the post, in part, because she's a woman.

Now, they’re trying to turn that argument on its head. The National Organization for Women, liberal activists and some lawmakers are trying to pressure Obama into choosing Warren, by arguing that Warren would provide much-needed balance to an economics team that they say is too male-dominated, like Wall Street itself.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner “fell on the side of the good ol' boys system that got us into this mess. Elizabeth Warren fell on the side of trying to fix this mess," NOW President Terry O'Neill said in an interview. She said Geithner and top Obama economist Larry Summers are "imbued" with the "notoriously sexist” culture of Wall Street.
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), one of the most outspoken advocates for Warren on Capitol Hill, agrees there’s a gender issue at Treasury.

“I think there's a problem there. ... It's a Wall Street cultural problem. Wall Street is populated by testosterone-driven men," she said. "The president and Secretary Geithner should spend some quality time developing a plan to increase the number of women at Treasury.”'

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