CNN: Good relationship with dad can help fight stress

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new study presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association reveals that men who had positive relationships with their fathers are better equipped to deal with the stress of everyday life than men who did not remember their dads fondly.

"A big take-home message is that if there is a father present in a child’s life, he needs to know how important it is to be involved," said Melanie Mallers of California State University, Fullerton.

Researchers interviewed 912 men and women during an eight-day period about their psychological and emotional state that day. Participants also had to answer questions about their relationships with their mothers and fathers growing up, and how much attention their parents gave them.

The major finding of the study is that men who said they had bad relationships with their fathers in childhood were more likely to be distressed by the stressful incidents of daily life.

Study authors did not see this effect as commonly in women. Mallers thinks that's because women are engaging in other kinds of coping skills, relying on a network of other people besides their parents for support. Men, on the other hand, learn instrumental coping skills from their fathers, she said.
Participants who had a good relationships with both parents in childhood tended to have fewer stressful incidents in their lives over the eight-day period than those who had poor parental relationships.'

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"Study authors did not see this effect as commonly in women. Mallers thinks that’s because women are engaging in other kinds of coping skills, relying on a network of other people besides their parents for support. Men, on the other hand, learn instrumental coping skills from their fathers, she said."

I think this idea needs to be fundamental to the MRM. Males need more social networks to rely on for joy and support. It will make men more conscious and capable which is exactly what need and ultimately want...

A while back hunchman suggest a gym for men, "gladiator". I thought that was a great idea as that could easily be a supportive and masculine environment.

Another person at this location (August 13, 2010 at 17:33)
Troll King
I have an idea for a mainstream MRM website that would be completely different than here or my site or any other site I have trolled upon in this area. Im going to start it and NEED CONTRIBUTORS with varying degrees in the sciences and soft sciences. NOw to be honest im swamped lately, even with my personal blog, so my lazy ass won’t probably get around to it for a little while but I hope to start it and build it sometime in the next couple of months.

Feminists and females own the entire sex education industry, even the misguided religious crap is female led. Im sick of trolling upon incorrect info on planned parenthood supported sex ed sites like scarleteen. Every feminist site has sex columns and the few mainstream ones are often pc and from the feminist progressive stand point. I want a objectective, medical/psychological/etc. MRA sex ed site for young boys through college students.

... and anyone who could write objective articles on any of those subjects then email

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