Liz Jones steps out of character

Article here. My jaw dropped. Was this the same Liz Jones who is consistently bashing men in the Femail section now having a go at her own gender? I thought it was too good not to share. Excerpt:

'Yet another bit of woman bashing took place last week. According to a survey of 3,000 employees, women bosses are incapable of leaving their personal lives at home and are eager to bitch about colleagues behind their backs.

Yet men, on the other hand, according to research commissioned by the recruitment firm, never bring their personal lives to work (I can confirm this. I sat opposite a man for three years and only realised his wife had just given birth to their fourth child when one day he stood up, then keeled over, exactly like a felled tree).

Most tellingly, the survey found men in the workplace are simply not as moody.

While this column will probably lose me the few remaining stalwart friends I have, I must say that women complain too much: they moan and they whine and they feel sorry for themselves.

Young women are by far the worst culprits: they’ve come of age in a time when they think they ‘deserve’ a nice life, rather than having to work for one.
Women generally are, as the survey found, ‘loose cannons’, expending a great deal of energy on office politics (not real politics, mind; when I gave a female employee the afternoon off to find her polling card and vote, she said she couldn’t go because she hadn’t had her roots done).

The pretty ones always, always, always use their looks to get ahead, but even the ugly ones still manage to slope off on maternity leave.

I feel sorry for men in the workplace. Only the gay ones are allowed to sulk, or wear interesting clothes, or secrete hot, hormonal tears.'

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... I'll have to say I have worked with a lot of women who do not behave this way. Perhaps some of her problem is the field she is working in. Glossy magazine production likely attracts women who are very into things like looks and glamor [or, glamour, depending on which side of the Atlantic you're on :)] and indeed high-exposure fields tend to attract self-indulgent it's-all-about-me types (narcissism is in fact a necessity to get ahead in certain realms of entertainment, maybe all of them, given the competition). Perhaps Liz just plain needs to spend some time around IT, legal, or accounting types to meet a different kind of woman and find out that indeed, not all women are cut from the same cloth.

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