Code Red Alert from the Family Research Council

Via Abusegate Bob:

Code Red Alert from the Family Research Council

I-VAWA Trumps?

When a piece of legislation is sponsored by this quartet- Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine)--it's a safe bet that the bill won't be family-friendly. Unfortunately, that's the case with the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA). Although its name suggests the contrary, S. 2982 would actually promote violence--against the unborn. Among other things, IVAWA would directly support the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) despite its financial partnership with countries like China that encourage forced abortion and sterilization. What's worse, IVAWA uses the guise of "women's rights" to push for the ratification of extreme treaties like CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women--which would pressure countries to perform abortions in violation of their deep moral beliefs or traditions.

As if that weren't bad enough, the bill would create a new office for "Women's Global Issues" under an administration that views abortion as an integral part of reproductive health. If approved, this new headquarters could be used as an extension of the President's personal mission to overturn pro-life laws abroad. Last but not least, IVAWA doesn't include a ban on funding activities like prostitution and sex trafficking, two industries that clearly lead to violence against women! Tomorrow, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on S. 2982, though Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) might be successful in delaying it for further review. Help us protect women by encouraging the Committee to completely kill this bill.

U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations

Democratic Staff Phone: (202) 224-4651

Republican Staff Phone: (202) 224-6797

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I am pro-choice, but think men should have the same repro rights in any case that women have for the society in which they live. So if women have abortion rights here in the US, men should have the equivalent right in the form of a "paper abortion" as well. However if in a country abortion is illegal, then a man should not have the same right.

The tone of this posting is obviously pro-life, but here on MANN, I try to avoid editorial filtering merely because there is an ancillary viewpoint that is included that is part of the "bigger picture" nature of the post. Regardless of what you may think about abortion, the essence of I-VAWA is to take the same agenda and presumptions of male guilt in DV accusations and export them to other countries' legal systems. Talk about cultural imperialism-- this is more like legal imperialism. It'd be one thing if there was actual jurisdiction, but...

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to people in countries who already hate us.

gosh, hope they don't bomb us.

world gone completely mad. mad i say!

here, borrow some more $$ and give it to one pack

of fools after another.

it might make a good campaign promise to cut back our

foreign handouts to that bunch of foreign pompus halfwits.

we got enuf of our own.

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