Idea that women are overburdened by professional and domestic duties is a myth

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wives who claim their husbands should help out more around the house because women work a "double shift" at the office and in the home are misguided, according to research.

If both paid work and unpaid duties such as housework, care and voluntary work are taken into account, husbands actually contribute more than their fair share to the household, experts found. According to a study of how people use their time, men in Britain spend marginally longer on "productive" work each day than women.
While many wives scale back their working hours or drop out of employment after having children, husbands will often work overtime to earn more income for the family.
Dr Catherine Hakim, who carried out the study, said: "This data overturns the well-entrenched theory that women work disproportional long hours in jobs and at home in juggling family and work.

"Feminists constantly complain that men are not doing their fair share of domestic work. The reality is that most men already do more than their fair share."'

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