Your Vote is Needed to Help Under-Served Victims of Domestic Violence

Your Vote is Needed to Help Under Served Victims of Domestic Violence

The Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women is seeking a $250,000 award from Pepsi for our project to bring public awareness to under served victims of domestic violence. This funding will enable us to send outreach materials (brochures, posters, booklets and placards) to 7,500 agencies that work with victims of domestic violence across the country.

In order to obtain this $250,000 award we need your help. The public determines, through voting on their favorite project ideas at the Pepsi site, who wins. Please click on this link to vote for our project idea:

That is the direct link to our project idea, “Give Under Served Victims of Domestic Violence a Lifeline,” located under the 250K category.

**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE**: After you click the link for voting, you will be taken to our Pepsi page. Once there, click the “Vote for this idea” button where you will be prompted to register or sign in. After signing in you MUST CLICK THE “VOTE” BUTTON AGAIN to cast your vote (the “vote” button will disappear and say “Good Job”, “Way to Go” or something like that if you voted correctly).

FACEBOOK MEMBERS: You can also go to the Pepsi Refresh FB page and get an app there to vote.

Voting is from Aug. 1 to Aug. 31. Remember to vote DAILY! Please post this notice to your Facebook and MySpace page, your blog and anywhere else you deem appropriate. Ask your friends and family members to vote and do the same. Thank you for helping us to bring awareness and services to victim and their families.

Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women
Business line: 207-683-5758
"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you."
– Dr. Wayne Dyer

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