The Masculinity Conspiracy: Chapter 3 now online
The Masculinity Conspiracy is a free online book about masculinity. It argues that nearly every assumption about masculinity in contemporary society is wrong. The result is nothing short of exposing a worldwide conspiracy that has been preventing humanity from reaching its fullest potential. Chapter 3 (Sexuality) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online.
"Chapter 3 (Sexuality) of The Masculinity Conspiracy is now online.
This chapter examines how the theme of sexuality is mobilized in the conspiracy via two books: Earth Honoring: The New Male Sexuality by Robert Lawlor and The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work and Sexual Desire by David Deida.
It shows how these books promote a masculine sexuality of fixed characteristics.
It then offers some different ways of thinking about masculine sexuality in order to counter the conspiracy."
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