Barbara Kay: Pygmies in the world of sexology
Article here. Excerpt:
'This just in! A conservative man in Toronto has been convicted of rape after consensual sex with a liberal woman, who assumed he too was liberal because he was wearing Birkenstocks and carrying a backpack with a Greenpeace logo on it.
Even though the sex was fine, when she found out he was a card-carrying member of the Conservative Party and was using his nephew’s backpack as a ploy to arouse her lust (the sandals really were just for comfort), she accused him of rape. The courts found that indeed the man had committed “rape by deception.”
Okay, that isn’t true. But this is: a 30-year old delivery man, Sabbar Kashur, was sent to jail for 18 months for having hooked up under the Jewish name of “Daniel” with a Jerusalem woman in 2008. They met on the street, repaired to a nearby office building, and went at it. The woman had no complaints about the sex until it was revealed the guy wasn’t Jewish. Then she screamed rape.
As if there weren’t enough to keep men in a state of panic, this international legal first not only makes a mockery of the well-established principle that consent, once given, cannot be retroactively withdrawn under the rubric of buyer’s remorse, but has the effect of declaring racism a virtue, and makes a racist the victim in a clearly victimless act.'
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human nature is to be fake
wtf... there is nothing to force people to be honest about who they are in social situations. There is not even such a thing... Everyone puts on a face and everyone makes false assumptions. what is truly genuine and What isn't...
She was nicer when I first met her, she made me feel unique and attractive but im not, I thought she had money by the jewlry she had on, I thought she was younger (she suggested that too), I thought she was more pretty till she took off her make-up, I thought she was a virgin, I thought I was the only one she was sleeping with... it goes on forever.
how the... sex should be no different than any other social endeavour. friendships and relationships are much more important but there is no such thing as legal fraud.
that racist slut needs to start having sex with people she knows if she gets remorse.
Canada is just fucked up,so is America but not as fucked up as Canada is,in an American court this case would of been thrown out!
The trial was in Israel
And who created what is currently known as Israel?
The Allies at the end of WWII - oh, and no arab nations were invited to the table to discuss the borders. We felt we owed the Jews after WWII but we did not consult the people who had lived in that land for over 2000 years whether or not they wanted to share. Why do you think the Western World has conflict with the Middle East?
So anything that is done in or by Israel is a reflection upon the whole Western World because we were the ones who re-created it, and we armed it, and we are the only reason it has not been wiped out by the Middle Eastern nations.
Plus, he's right, it could and has happened here. Many a black man has been hung for "raping" an honest white girl who got caught on her knees with his dick in her mouth in the USA.