Suit: Woman offered 14-year-old sex, drugs on flight

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Chicago area father claims in a lawsuit that Southwest Airlines failed to protect his teenage son from an older female passenger who made sexual advances and offered him illegal drugs during a flight two years ago.

The incident occurred on a July 2008 flight from Chicago's Midway Airport to Orlando, according to the lawsuit filed Monday in Cook County Circuit Court.

The boy, who was 14 at the time, asked flight attendants to switch his seat multiple times but "was emphatically told no," the lawsuit said.'

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Since most airlines these days have a policy of not letting youngins sit next to adult male passengers and this is the first case I have ever even heard of where a young person was offered drugs and sexually harassed on a plane, I wonder if this case will see young people flying solo being put in a separate section or seated with staff when the plane is full?

Sure throws out the theory (if you can call fear based misandry with no evidence all to back it up a theory) that it is men who pose the greatest risk to children on a plane leading to airlines the world over to adopt misandric policies treating ALL men as if they were pedophiles. Since this may very well be the only case in existence of a chile being offered sex and drugs by an adult stranger on a plane in history, it might actually be safe to say 100% of the problem thus far is females acting inappropriately with minors on air planes.

The comments on the story are ridiculous, as most people are blaming the kid, the kids father, or dismissing the whole thing as harmless and the lawsuit as malicious. Those same morons probably don't know (since most of 'em are male) that if they got seated next to a kid that was not theirs on a flight, it's not the kid that would get moved but them - automatically and with as much prejudice as possible. No actual actions need to be taken on their part against the child, just the fact that they are male would be enough to have them moved.

One of two things needs to happen in this world very soon.


We accept that females are as sexual as males (they are and they always have been) and we stop protecting their sexuality to the same degree that we do not protect male sexuality.


We need to accept that males are just as sexually vulnerable as females (actually males of all ages are much MORE sexually vulnerable then even the most vulnerable group of females - women in their 30s) and offer males equal protection under the law.

Personally I feel the first option is the more realistically doable option and would involve allot of MRA goals being accomplished like decriminalizing bad dates (sorry girls, feeling bad about it a month later is NOT rape) and would bring a more realistic view of female sexuality. There's a reason dildos have existed for more then 10 000 years. Women do and always have enjoyed sex and sexual activities. Female virtue is a myth and the only gender that even believes in it is males.

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Women don't hike up their skirts, show cleavage, and dance in clubs the way they do just to meet Mr. Right... You can see the gratification and enjoyment they get in the sex game (sexual attention from random guys and many guys). How stupid can people possibly be to write endless books about the dichotomy of men want sex and women want love (one deep one shallow)?

I know its partly a generational thing but still... Past cultures did not share our view of virtuous female sexuality.

I'm actually glad for women's/girls shows on TV (kardashians, gossip girl, and so on). They Fu@%ing crush those stupid white Knight movies with all those double standards.

@paragon Many airlines have a policy of keeping men away from unaccompanied minors (and not women of course)? I know that BA did that.

Also what did you mean men of all ages are much more sexually vulnerable. I know it can be argued in multiple ways (lack of social and family support for males in bad relationships, discrimination in courts/society, men more pressured to have sex, I don't know sexual abuse rates though).

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Just set foot in your nearest strip club and look around. what gender is REALLY being taken advantage of there?

Also, as you mention, women flaunt there sexuality relentlessly in general in many cases and they use the cleavage and short skirts to make sure they pay nothing when they are out on the town.

That and men are routinely date raped for sperm harvesting purposes. Hell in my country a woman can retroactively decide any sex she's ever had was actually rape with no statutes of limitations whatsoever, but a man who a woman used exclusively for sperm can look forward to nothing but child support payments for a kid he never wanted with no recourse at all.

Men get their asses slapped by women and their balls grabbed uninvited at least as often as women do. Again, no recourse if he does not like the woman doing the grabbing.

Men get their genitals mutilated, women don't (at least in all but a few remote areas of third world countries)

Boys used as sex toys by women, no protection. Girls, on the other hand are the most protected things in the known universe.

Men take virtually all the risks in seeking sex with women and that alone makes them more vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

And on and on. The truth about sex is really the opposite of what most people believe it to be, men are far more at risk for and routinely taken advantage of sexually then women. Serious cases of rape of females are NOT under reported, and false accusations against men are far more common then anyone would like to believe.

MRAs need to really raise awareness that it is NOT just women who are sexual victims. But we need to do it not to make more victims, but to make people realize that most of the crap women claim to be victimized by sexually are things that are so commonly done to men and boys that no man in his right mind would consider himself a victim because he just views it as normal everyday type behavior. We really need to de-value pussy and make equality reign for all humans.

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My perspectives and experiences do not match up with your opinions.

For example most strip clubs are owned by men, so men are really the one's raking in the money. Girls have to pay for their time on the floor. Strip club owners also get free sex and often supply girls with drugs.

Many men that patronize or date strippers have drugs available. (women rarely pay for drugs). Strip clubs are a good place to work if you have a drug habit. Owners of strip clubs are well aware of this.

I think male customers are getting exploited at the bottom level and female workers are getting exploited at the top levels. Historically men have operated and profited from the sex trade industry. Women only serve as workers at the bottom level.

As far as men taking more risk for sex. There is always risk to both genders. How it is unequal is debatable and depends on the specific situation. In a one night stand that results in pregnancy, I do agree that a male is more vulnerable to unfair child support and custody laws and the decisions of the mother . But I don't know any woman that is rich or has an easy life as a result of this situation - it is bad all the way around. I don't condone having children like this.

I remember having a conversation about 'impact of pregnancy and children' with my boys' father when we were discussing my pregnancy and I wanted to give the child up for adoption because I did not feel ready and I had concerns about not being married even though we were in a commited relationship.

Now, his culture is completely different than mine and he is used to women having children young and unmarried. He did not feel it was any big deal. He is black and raised in the ghetto - I am white and raised in upper class neighborhood.

When I mentioned my age (20) and how being a mom would affect me, he reminded me that he had his first child at 17 (he got a girl pregnant in high school). He had no regrets, but I reminded him that having a child did not stop him from playing ball as he did not have to take any time off. No one knew about the pregnancy unless he told them. It did not stop him from attending college, moving away and eventually making it to the professional level where he was signed to a multi-million dollar contract. That sexual relationship/pregnancy and child had very little impact on his life. (probably should have been a warning to me)

I was a professional dancer at the time (not a stripper) and I had danced for a national theater company, had my own agent, etc. being pregnant and having a child was definitely an end to my career.

He and I agreed to keep our child and subsequently had another. My life has changed drastically as a result of those choices. His life has hardly changed at all. He did resort back to single life during my second pregnancy. The decision to have kids has never impacted his career. He has never had to miss an event, party, etc, has been free to travel and has only seen the kids 3 times in 3 years (I initiated the visits). He is running out of money as a result of his lifestyle and may not even be able to support the kids up to their eighteenth birthdays, so that of course will fall onto me.

Currently, even being married, I feel that sex and pregnancy are more of a risk to me. I am currently pregnant and I am concerned about birth control after the baby is born and while breast feeding (The pill/shot are not an option while breastfeeding). I get pregnant very easily and last time, I got pregnant right away after the birth of my first child. I hope it doesn't happen again. But my husband says he doesn't care. Even though we only spoke of having one child when we first married, he now thinks he may want a second. -Easy for him to say!

Also, when I was younger I only had a short time period when I actively dated and partied (from about 17 to 19 years old). Sex was always offered. I turned it down every time because the risk was just too great.

So, that's my perspective on the subject of which gender takes more risk.

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Strippers make quite a bit for doing easy unskilled work. I don't understand how someone can argue that they are taken advantage of. Some people say they are "objectified"; yet that implies that they are contributing nothing of real value to society and getting money for it...

I agree that it is men who are being taken advantage of in strip clubs. (note that all the money comes from men, even if a few men make a profit the net effect is the same.)

You talk about drugs but that is a separate issue because what your talking about is peole who already have problems or just make bad decisions... Even still, a desperate male drug addict will deal or rob to get drugs while a desperate female drug addict might strip. At least one posses a much smaller risk for serious violence and is legal too.

The issue I take most serious is the reaction people have to sex on tv. Again we hear people complain and say that women are being objectified. However every time that happens in a commercial the men are being sexualized too! I'm suppossed to gawk and think about sex non-stop...? Then im supposed to do all this work. Honestly, if I go to a bar I want to hang out with friends, have a good time, meet people, and only sometimes go home with a girl. Yet the commercials are telling me beer and p#$$y are my number one priorities. You can't be more objectified then being told to think about nothing but sex... out goes free will, thought, balance, friendship and so on. There are many people who still don't sympathize for boys who are raped by women because the boys are sexual objects... they can't even relate to the boys pain or damage. I can't think of many norms in society that treat innocent females like that.

@ paragon
About the inappropriate touching my experience says women do it more. Its happened to me in school, bar, party, wedding, and street by people who I never met. I saw a girl grab my cousins d#@% while they were dancing, but he didn't like her. I think for my generation it happens more to guys (I'm only considering inappropriateness from strangers since it is more objective)

I think the number one priority is to spread awareness of sexual abuse to males; they definitely deserve more protection than they are getting. I think that even if we give the same victimization to men as we do women, in the long run we will get rid of some of the sex abuse hysteria because of the new balance.

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Strip clubs.

As fondueguy mentioned, regardless of who owns them, virtually every penny that is made in them comes directly from men. Men are literally plundered in them

As for your other theory that men are also the ones who benefit as "men" own the strip clubs, well, I know the owners of three different groups of strip clubs (most owners have more then one club), and guess what, the owners are not MEN as you say, they are MARRIED COUPLES. You know, as in wifey owns 50% and is every bit as involved in day to day operations as the husband. Actually, in all three cases that I am familiar with, the wife half of the COUPLE who own the clubs, is essentially the Madame and does all the hiring of the girls, and is present in the club as often as her husband. As for owners getting free sex, they do, but guess what, WIFEY fucks the girls to, and in the one case I know where the owner has on club that has both male and female dancers on separate floors of the building, wifey gets the pick of both floors while hubby only gets the girls.

Please don't let your conservative views skew your view of female power in married relationships just because the husband is the public face of the operation and can be seen hanging out with the security guards more often then the wife who's in the back, does not mean the wife is not directly involved (in many cases more involved), and is merely a piece of arm candy to the all powerful man.

The same is true for ALL types of sex trade. Women are involved directly at all levels. Men are overly represented in the bottom levels of powerless individuals.

Risk in obtaining sex.

Sure, women are at risk of rape, BUT there are more serious consequences for men who rape then for any other crime. So that offsets the risk a little don't you think?

Men are also at risk of being raped. Virtually no protection no matter the age of the victim.

As you said, every party you've ever been to, YOU WERE OFFERED sex, so you got the pick of the group to choose the best looking and least risky male you could.

On the other hand, every man who offered you sex was at risk of facing a false accusation charge, or a physical assault from you or your boyfriend, mockery by his peers for being rejected etc...

Simply put, you have the pussy, they wanted it, and the person who has the thing that is in demand is the person who has the power in any negotiations.

Single moms don't get rich.

You're right, the majority don't. But that's not for lack of trying, it's just the simple fact that there are far fewer rich single men to take advantage of for child support and alimony then there are regular schmucks running around. It's just a matter of gold diggers stetting for the easy mark rather then ambitiously pursuing the rich bastard they really want. But it happens all the time that poor peasant girls marry (and divorce) wealthy men and even princes. It's just there are not enough former Beatles and Princes to go around.

Women have never needed to put in 60 hours a week in the business world to strike it rich and gain immense power. It's not easy, but once she pops out the kid, she's free to retire if she so chooses and take much of the wealth with her. I know you're not that kind of girl and you did not want your ex's NBA salary, but that does not mean that there aren't women out there who feel differently then yourself

Impact of pregnancy on men.

Well that again all depends on the woman. She is free to make it as painless on him as possible, or drive him to suicide through relentless torture. Either way, just ask allot of the guys here, it's all up to her and the courts are on her side.

In your case, you claim youthful naivety as the reason for your troubles, well, it was still your informed decision to hook up with, get knocked up by, marry him and have another child with him. You are the only person on the face of this or any other planet that knows your fertility cycle in any detail. Women don't get pregnant by accident. And again, you can make his life hell at whim, you choose not to. You CHOOSE to give power over your uterus to the men you marry. You don't want another kid with your new man, and can't take the pill while breast feeding. Good thing for you it's not the only option available then. Diaphragms are highly effective, minimally invasive (you can't feel it) easy to remove and insert and he never needs to know. Don't like that, well there's at least a hundred other options on the table for you to choose from. Take your pick. But don't tell me anyone made you get pregnant against your will. There's only 48 hours a month for your to get pregnant, don't have sex the week of ovulation and your home free if you have the self control to say no. Again, you're the only one who knows when you are fertile.

You chose to give up your career and get pregnant. You chose to let your NBA Ballin' ex-husband off the hook. You choose to give power to the men you are in relationships with. At some point you weighed your options between your dancing and your child and you chose to devote your self to your child at the expense of your dancing, but that was your CHOICE as other options were available to you so don't cry about what you lost because you gave it up, it was not taken from you. If sex and pregnancy are more of a risk to you then your current partner, you are the one who allows it to be so.

I really like you Kris, but don't mistake male bravado for male power, the strip club owners wife knows she's got the biggest set of balls in town, the guys putting the ones in G-Strings don't even own their own nuts.

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I started writing two responses to you, but they were too long and I ended up deleting them.

I think you have the wrong idea about me. Basically I have no regrets or complaints about my choices (you refer to "troubles" and imply that I am "crying"). I go into sex accepting all risks and consequences and I ask the men to do the same (they have the choice to walk away). Because I use the rhythm method I am very aware of my fertile cycle and so are the men I have been with (I actually keep a calendar by the bed**), None of my pregnancies have been a surprise to the men (except my second son who was conceived just a month or so after the birth of my first - that was truly a surprise!!)

I'm not sure exactly where our disagreement is, other than you seem to really want me to take ALL responsibility for pregnancies because I am female. I assume this is because pregnancy occurs inside my uterus (which I "control") and I have the last and final decision to abort or not. I know many men here share that position as it leads into the debate about paper abortion, responsibility, etc. All I can say is that the men I have had pregnancies with do not share that position. If they did, that would imply that the babies fully belong to me since it is my uterus and my last and final decision to bring them to life. That is a dangerous position to take for men that want kids. My ex is pro-life and he blocked adoption when the option was available. And my current pregnancy is because my husband wants a child (I was content with the two I already have -but I am happy to be having another) . I have always respected my partners' views when it comes to sex and pregnancy. That's why I choose men that have similar views as my own.

The fact that my ex does not see his kids is more of a character flaw on his part. It is not that he did not want kids. Battling personal issues may have something to do with it. If he ever felt his kids were in danger he would be here in a heartbeat.

I have not let him off the hook in any way financially. I have kept the pressure on him to support the kids as he promised to support them when decisions were made to have children. The only way I may have shown leniency is by hiring an attorney to serve more as a consultant and a handler of documents vs. a courtroom shark. My ex and I basically worked out the financial/custody agreement ourselves (we never entered a courtroom, instead we had my attorney submit it to the judge on our behalf.). But the amount I requested was based on his salary and his original intent. While his income was high, his child support payments were also high (I have no guilt for accepting child support). But there is not much I can do about it if he blows all his money on cars, travel, parties, etc. If there is no money left as the kids get older and he chooses not to work (he is retired from the NBA and in his 30's), there is nothing for me to collect so going to court does not solve anything...But that was the man I chose to have kids with - so be it. (BTW I never married him. Also, like any father, he can request child support reductions every two years -which he has done and I am sure he will continue)

My post above was to say that pregnancy and having children has risks and consequences to the woman as well . My life is proof of that. I am sorry if it sounded like I was complaining. I did not intend to come across that way, as I really have nothing to complain about. I am well aware that I have made all my choices in my life of my own free will and I am in control of my own body. I am not sure why you think I don't realize that as you feel the need to emphasize that point in your post. The part I had no control over is after the children were born and the father changed his mind and wanted out.

You may be pleased that I already acknowledged that men take more risk when it comes to casual sex that result in pregnancy.

As far as consensual pregnancy (both agree to have a child). I believe the risks/consequences are different for both genders. I did not intend to debate or prove who has MORE risk as it is often subjective and depends on the situation especially if things don't go as planned. For example in my situation my consequence is being a single mom to my boys 24/7 without any break or help (being a single mother was devastating to me, but perhaps other girls wouldn't care). The father's consequence is that he has to write a big check every month. He has no concerns over custody or visitation (perhaps other fathers would feel differently) . It is hard to say objectively who has the bigger consequence.

I'll concede one more point. If a woman decides to leave a relationship w/o any cause (and this is clearly the case), then I agree men are more at risk of losing financially as well as issues involving their children. I have been supportive in changing laws to be fair to fathers. The only problem it is hard to get to the truth, and what is fair to the mother or father may not be best for the child. It really is a mess and I do not have easy answers. But fathers deserve respect and equality in the courts.

Sorry to end this abruptly, but I have to go (I hope I make sense as I don't have to proofread).....

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