UK: Women on top? You've got to be joking
Article here. Excerpt:
"What a depressing week it has been to be female. A psychopathically violent woman-beater and murderer is lionised. A film director who drugs and then sodomises a 13-year-old girl is let off. A famous actor tells his ex-partner she deserves to be "raped by a pack of niggers". And the Catholic Church elevates women's ordination to the same level of offence as child abuse. Thanks, chaps.
The real problem is that 21st-century Britain still undervalues women, and particularly older ones. Open any newspaper, look at any billboard, switch on the TV or read a magazine and you will search almost in vain for a picture of a woman over 50. Girls may be doing better than boys at school, but it is ridiculous to claim that men are being marginalised. They still have the best jobs, the most money and the preponderance of power. And when women make any progress, however small, that is exaggerated to suggest that they are somehow taking over from men.
For at least 20 years, we have been fed newspaper articles telling us "The Future is Female". But the future has always failed to materialise. The present is still overwhelmingly male and women's advances are still over-amplified. I'll start to feel sorry for men when they are wildly outnumbered on company boards, wiped off TV in their forties, routinely earning less than women, and not just being murdered by their jealous partners, but being blamed for it."
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Wow, look at those comments
And I guess I'll count men equal to women when women routinely pay for dates, get killed in equal numbers in dangerous occupations, suffer the level of routine abuse as men do, and endure openly anti-(what would be) female chauvinism vaunted forth by national and international institutions in the most unashamed way.
Then she can talk to me.
for every Mel Gibson "...pack of niggers" threat there are....
Thousands of women who threaten castration, mutilation, and murder against their husbands. When it comes to threats I would wager females make thousands more of them then males. I would wager females carry out their threats less only because they generally make so many more then males. But I would also wager that more women kill their spouses then men, it's just that autopsies are NOT standard procedure and many murdered males cause of death is ruled as either heart failure (poison) or suicide(sleeping pills and put in the car in the garage with the engine running. there is a woman in my town who has THREE husbands who all commuted suicide in that exact manor, and yet she never faced a single charge). Women use poison more then men, so they go undetected if no autopsy and toxicology is ordered.
For every woman shot twice in the stomach over an affair there's a man shot twice in the head over a bruise ten years ago or for making her wear black high heeled boots during sex. Violence is NOT the dominion of men. HUMAN BEINGS (that includes you females as well) are violent, and both genders partake roughly in equal numbers. The ONLY difference is how society views violence when it is committed by one gender versus the other. Muslim mom in Canada strangles disobedient 14 year old daughter to death = probation. Muslim Dad in Canada strangles disobedient 16 year old daughter, called act of gender violence and dad gets life. Does not get more similar then those two cases. Same gender and roughly same aged victim. Same relation to victim by murderer. Same country (thus same exact laws). Same initial charges filed against them (both cases were initially charged as second degree murder). Same excuse for murder (religious reasons and child failed to obey). Only difference, was GENDER of the killer. One killer was mom, one was dad. Talk to me about equality when females are treated EQUALLY before the law when they are the ones breaking it.
But the mere fact that the author of this piece WANTS the future to be female and believes the past is anything other then HUMAN (as in there has always been both a Matriarchy and a Patriarchy both holding roughly equal power but in separate spheres)shows that she is a gender supremacist and not looking for any kind of equality at all. Listening to her speak on gender issues is equivalent to watching a 1939 film on the Jewish population of Poland.