"A Voice For Men's" latest

Read it here. Excerpt:

'People that were familiar with my writing before the re-launch of this site will probably recall some of my work regarding a newly branded concept of masculinity that I have coined as belonging to the Zeta Male. For those not familiar with it, I give it a fairly complete treatment in the essay The Plague of Modern Masculinity.

In a nutshell, though, zeta masculinity describes a form of manhood that is counter biological in that it is a consciously chosen path of self preservation vs. the genetic mandate to sacrifice where it concerns women. To say it is anti chivalrous is an understatement, and to say it is anti female is a misconception, unless you consider treating women as your equals to be anti-female.

More to the point, though, zeta masculinity is, in its simplest form, a recognition that the modern sociosexual world is both hostile and dangerous to men, and that the traditional male role in that modern world is one of being used and literally nothing else. And in practice, zeta masculinity is actually doing something about it. It calls for men to let their consciousness of the real world guide their perceptions and their actions where it concerns women. It's longhand for not thinking with your dick, or being led around by the currently destructive instinct to protect without due consideration of your actions.'

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