Divorce battles go digital in the age of Facebook
Article here. If you're divorced or in the process of a divorce you should definitely lock down your Facebook and other social sites. Excerpt:
'Facebook and other social networks, such as Twitter, Flickr, Photobucket and MySpace, are becoming the latest legal tool in divorce and child-support battles.
Lawyers and private investigators collecting background on a client's ex-spouse are trolling the websites as a quick and easy way to catch someone doing something they don't want brought up in court -- snapshots of snuggling with a mistress, seminude photos with children nearby or drunken party pictures from a bar on a weekend a child is visiting.
"It's happening a lot," said lawyer Mark O'Mara.
Orlando lawyer Diana Tennis remembered a case in which her client was fighting for more time with his child. Tennis came across a Facebook picture of the opposing parent's new boyfriend proudly posing with a gun he'd just purchased.
"It can be used as leverage," she said, adding that's not the image the opposing parent wanted to portray before a judge.'
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