Woods case and paternity fraud frequency

Story here. Excerpt:

'Cases like this are fair more common than many people think. Paternity fraud is a term that was introduced by men’s rights groups to describe when a mother names a man as the biological father even though she knows (or suspects) he is not actually the father. This paternal discrepancy happens when a man believes he is the father of a child, but the child is identified as biologically being fathered by another man.

In an article published several years ago in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health it was reported that close to 1 in 25 fathers are unknowingly raising another man’s child. These figures are startling to many men and more and more people are turning to DNA paternity testing services to scientifically determine paternity.

In some jurisdictions there are limited opportunities for men to challenge the assumption of paternity. In some areas the husband of a woman who gives birth is said to be the father regardless of whether he actually is the biological parent. Other places have time limits on paternity challenges by the assumed father.'

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