"Woman jailed for making threats ... to herself"

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA ANA – A 25-year-old Santa Ana woman was sentenced to a year in jail Friday for sending hundreds of threatening text messages – to herself.

Jeanne Mundango Manunga's criminal problem was that she blamed the harassing text messages on an ex-boyfriend and his sister-in-law, and reported them to the police.

They were arrested on false charges of making criminal threats and required to post thousands of dollars in bail. The sister-in-law was arrested three times, and spent some time in custody before she could gather enough funds to pay the bail on her third arrest.

A jury convicted Manunga of three felony counts of false imprisonment by fraud or deceit and two misdemeanor counts of making a false police report in May.'

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So, her victims were jailed, had to post bond, and then had to DO THE INVESTIGATION THEMSELVES to prove their innocence.

Yeah, sure cops don't believe people claiming to be victims. They took this bitch at face value until the true victims actually did some investigating and found the store she bought the phone from and delivered the evidence to the cops that the "victim" was the the one who bought the phone the offending messages were sent from.

The cops could have figured that out in less then a day had they been looking for ALL evidence instead of just evidence that points to guilt of the accused.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - the concept of law ENFORCEMENT is outdated and needs replacement. The existing system has tunnel vision by it's very design. Investigators should have no bias one way or the other and the only enforcement should come AFTER conviction. ANY new case opened by the police should have TWO teams, one looking for inflammatory and one looking for exculpatory evidence. There should be no publicly funded prosecution and privately funded defense. It should all be public and equal resources given to both sides. That way rich people who can pay for the best resources do not go free while poor people go to jail because they cannot afford to pay for the same level of investigation the state can.

Bottom line, the justice system should not be on the side of victims or perpetrators and the only function it should serve is finding as much of the truth of the matter as possible before affording reward or punishment to anyone. Take bias out of the system.

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