'For a year in prison I was treated like the scum of the earth, but I was innocent of rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his cell at HMP Addiewell, Jason Duncan knew it was only a matter of time before the story he had concocted for his own safety would fall apart. Falsely accused of rape, the 22-year-old steel worker had decided it was better to tell fellow inmates that he was in prison for a shooting.
"In prison, if you are in for anything relating to a sex offence you are the lowest of the low," he explained. "My lawyers and even the prison staff told me that I would be in serious danger if other prisoners found out what I was charged with. So I concocted this story about being a career criminal who was in over a shooting. People seemed to believe it, but when my name was in the paper they realised why I was really there. I didn't leave my cell again."

Jason and his friend Chris Hoey were charged with rape in March 2009. A woman accused them of bursting into her flat and raping her at knifepoint. In reality, the woman – whom Jason knew – had invited them into her home following a night out.

"Being accused of something I did not do was a nightmare," he said. "But when people in prison found out what the allegation was my life became unbearable. They would put razor blades under the door and urinate into my cell. They threatened me and my family.

"I was in a cell for 23 hours and 45 minutes a day for my own safety. The only time I was allowed out was for 15 minutes at night time when all of the other prisoners were asleep.

"Eventually I had to be transferred to Barlinnie for my own safety. I told the other prisoners the shooting story, which worked for a while, but then one of the guys from Addiewell was transferred too and it started again. I was put on suicide watch and I refused to eat. When I went out on the wing, people would point and say, 'there's the monster'.'

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While I sympathize with his ordeal, he is living proof to the contrary that those falsely accused of rape sometimes benefit from the experience. He's a moron who does not have the first clue why he ended up in prison on a false charge and what needs to be done to prevent it in the future. If he thinks that pre-trial anonymity for suspects is the only thing that needs to change then he IS the one who helped create the very trap he found himself in.

"Next they moved me to the sex offenders' wing. I was the only remand prisoner there, and it was hell. There were rapists and paedophiles and I did not want to associate with these guys but I was being treated like one of them."

So, in a nut shell, you agree that people should be and are justifiably prejudiced against sex offenders as opposed to other classes of criminals even though you found your self accused of being one? Well, that's the fucking problem my friend. Since I will bet anyone reading this $1000 dollars the jackass in this article has never read a single sex crime law other then the one he was charged under (and I doubt he's read that one either), he has no clue what a 'sex offender' is. How many "rapists" in the sex offender wing actually raped anyone as you or I imagine the word to mean? How many dates gone wrong were there? How many not so fortunate as himself guys that got CONVICTED on a false accusation were there? How many "paedophiles" were under 25 and in on a bid that had something to do with a 16 year old not a 6 year old? Since violent rapists and true paedophiles are the rarest of the rare, I would guess that just like every other prison, there were mostly stupid shmucks in the sex offender wing that did not know they had committed a crime they were arrested or they were convicted of acts that have been occurring since the dawn of time (teen girl sleeps with older male) but have only recently been criminalized. But this guy, cause he's just a nice normal guy who is 'not one of them' chose to prejudice himself against the group he knows fuck all about other then what he's read in the paper while at the same time chastising the papers for telling lies about him. What a fucking genius. One would think after an experience like what he went through that he would question the whole system a little more deeply but not this guy, he's a feminist.

"I agree with what women's groups say 99.9 per cent of the time. I think what they do for victims of rape is great because it is a terrible crime, but on the point of anonymity I have to disagree.

Yeah, that is the million dollar quote right there. That is the equivalent of an Auschwitz survivor claiming to agree with the Nazis 99.9 per cent of the time and only objecting to their own imprisonment and not the incineration of their whole family. Dude. get a fucking clue, the women's groups lobbied for the laws that put you there and they would have put you in the gas chamber if they were allowed to. Did you know that sex offenders actually have the lowest rates of recidivism of any class of criminal? Hmm, if it was just rapists and paedophiles in that wing with you, wouldn't you expect them to have extremely high rates of recidivism when they get out? Or maybe, the five or so percent that do go on to commit a new crime are the only ones who were actually a danger to begin with and most of the rest were either stupid, or acceptable casualties in the war against men? If you would have talked to them instead of treat them like the other prisoners do, maybe you'd have learned a thing or two. Or, maybe if you learned anything about prison culture, that the weakest (ie least violent) are always the most targeted inside prisons for victimization. Getting the picture yet? Most sex 'crimes' do not involve any physical violence at all. Most sex offenders are NOT serial rapists and paedophiles. The actual serial rapists and paedophiles are not even on the sex offender wing because they ARE violent and thus are in general population raping and beating weaker inmates like you.

Seriously, how did this guy spend a year in prison and learn absolutely nothing? How did he get falsely accused and not learn a damn thing about the laws that got him arrested in the first place or the feminists who got them on the books inthe first place. Send him back! Not really, but seriously he needs an extreme dose of MRA movement help to save him from himself.

To many of these guys out there people, the MRA movement is failing them and we need to get our message heard so they stop thinking that they were the only unfortunate casualty of a seriously broken system.

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