UK: Majority of £8billion raised from tax and benefit changes to come from female taxpayers

Article here. Excerpt:

"Women are set to bear the brunt of the Coalition's budget cuts, with the majority of the £8billion raised from tax and benefit changes to come from female taxpayers.

Research commissioned by shadow welfare secretary Yvette Cooper showed that £6billion - more than 70 per cent - of the revenue raised will come from women and just £2billion from men.

The revelation prompted Miss Cooper to label the budget measures as the 'fiercest attack on family support in the history of the welfare state.'

'This Budget seems to be reaching back to a pre-war approach to families,' she said.

The research was carried out by the independent House of Commons Library which analysed money raised up until 2014-15 through measures such as raising the personal tax allowance, increasing capital gains tax and the freezing of benefits."'

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... then of course any tax changes made will be borne by women. Whoever works the most/earns more will usually be taxed hardest (though not always). This is less a report about the tax situation vis-a-vis women and more about the labor situation vis-a-vis men. Unemployed men can't pay taxes since they have no income. Somehow a bad situation for men has been turned around into a bad one for women-- again.

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Of course women should suffer more than men when there are budget cuts, because most of the current government handouts go to women, not men. Consider safe houses, legal aid to women going through divorces, special programs for girls in schools, etc. The list of benefits extended to females but not males is long, and very lopsided in favor of women. I do hope that MRAs use this gender disparity in the cuts as an opportunity to point out the gross disparity in the recipients of government aid.

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All such reports should be ignored until there is some balance in reporting.

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