Calgary dad mourns murdered daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'James Shelswell said he was looking forward to Clare growing older, and the far-off day when he might finally bond with the child he surrendered when she was only four months old.

Instead, Shelswell will fly this week from Calgary to Abbotsford B.C., to attend Clare’s funeral.

On Sunday, Clare was murdered, her throat slashed open after an apparent domestic dispute between her mom and step-dad over how to discipline the kids.

Peter Wilson, 29, is charged with killing his step daughter.

And now, all that’s left for her biological dad is to say goodbye to the stranger who was once his baby girl.
In Calgary, Shelswell, who is re-married with two kids, is a man whose fury is mixed with remorse.

He laments that he didn’t have enough money to fight back with a lawyer, back when his wife took their Calgary-born daughters away to B.C.

He says he settled into a pattern of paying child support, and looking forward to yearly visit with his girls — the last, a happy trip to Vancouver, included the aquarium and McDonald’s.'

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about the most dangerous place for a child after
divorce being w/ the mother, and her new male partner?

and the safest place being w/ the child's natural father?

guess these present day judges can't read, as they ALWAYS assume the safest place to be w/ the mum. but we all know that's really about $$$$, and making sure the cash cow (divorce) never tanks, like the rest of our economy.

of course, if you were living in BIZARRO WORLD, this automatic assumption of female superiority would be s.o.p.

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