Australia: Court affirms licence to kill as another "battered woman" walks free

Article here. Excerpt:

'On 4th March 2006, Claire Margaret McDonald gasped and burst into tears as a Victorian Supreme Court jury found her not guilty of the execution style murder of her husband, Warren John McDonald.

The court was told that McDonald had donned camouflage gear and lay in wait with a high-powered rifle for her husband to approach. She fired six shots, mortally wounding her husband.

McDonald successfully used the "battered woman syndrome" defence, claiming she had suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband.

Within days, Queensland woman, Susan Falls, having probably read the media reports of Heather McDonald's stunning acquittal, decided to execute her abusive husband in the same fashion, in what prosecutors would describe as a cunning, calculated murder.'

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i know this isn't the u.s., but don't you have to have that concept in any legitimate courtroom in a western democracy, or a republic w/ a Constitution?

let's see if i got this right from memory of having read it earlier. i'm tired.

wife sets up a killing blind and shot him repeatedly w/ a high powered rifle. nice. ambushed him coming home from work?

the judge sort of gives the whole thing a wink wink to the jury about it maybe being legal? if she claime he ever committed d.v. (whatever that is loosely defined as) against her, or even if he didn't, and she just says so, she can be set free to kill again.

just got themselves a new head mistress running the country too, btw. feminist she is.

anyhoo, the not guilty verdict comes out and it's open season on men, killing fields so to speak? husbands can be shot at will, apparently, because another woman steps up and copies the deed by killing another man? yeah. nothing like feminists finally getting that 'equality' they screamed about for so long.

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Men have never had such license to kill or abuse women, even during the Roman Empire. Never. And this is exactly the world that the feminists envisioned back in the 60s: men living at the sufferance of women.

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I'm increasingly feeling embarrased to say I'm Australian.

How the hell did this happen?

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i think we all (u.s., down under, brit's, canuks, etc) bent over in the shower to retrieve ths soap,
once too often.

if she follows the pattern of our resident feminist, she will start spending every dime in sight, calling it one thing, while managing to get her friends pocketbooks lined.
borrowing against the children's/g.c.'s future yet?

some groups seem to be better at socialism (spending other people's $$) than other groups. here feminists actually have something they are tops at.

40% of aussie c.e.o.'s to be women by such and such a date?

yep. socialism has arrived down under. start the serious handouts. males need not apply.

paraphrased quote: socialism works well until you run out of other people's $$ to spend.

and then just keep on spending to achieve total destruction.

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