Canada: Are men obsolete? Ask Sebastian Junger

Article here. Excerpt:

'More females than males are attending university. The ranks of middle managers are being filled by women (watch the glass ceiling shatter, eventually).

Boys are adrift, as one book title puts it. "Failure to launch" has become a cultural cliché.

In two areas, mind you, men still reign supreme: engineering and janitorial work.

And war. Yes, let's not forget that.
Hence the basis for all these articles and books asking the question "are men obsolete?" And for all the commentary that tells us that women function so much better in modern society, with their co-operative ways, bureaucracies and book clubs.

In the end, to confess, your evolutionary dodo isn't quite sure himself what to make of the question. Are we men obsolete?

I will have to take it up with a female supervisor, one of the many so deftly staffing the ranks of the public broadcaster.'

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