International Violence against Women Act Faces Stiff Opposition From Unexpected Quarter

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Human life is full of sufferings. However concern for fellow human beings must always be accompanied by Compassion. Concern without compassion is called fraud.On Feb 04, 2010, Senator John Kerry and others reintroduced I-VAWA (International Violence against Women Act) in Senate and US House of representatives. This bill if passed will fund 1 Billion Dollars for forcing Governments across 10 to 15 countries for stringent laws and policies to prevent violence against women. This bill is handled by Senate and House Foreign Affairs Committees.

Within two weeks of introduction of the bill in both Senate and House, the members of Save Indian Family Foundation and the Civil Liberties Groups in US started opposing it saying that this bill will not help the abused women, but will only lead to Civil Liberties Violations by jailing of innocent men, women and children under gender biased laws in many countries including India. They wanted statutory language in this bill to prevent this one billion dollars getting into vested interests, agencies and NGOs, who undermine civil liberties.'

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It always amazes me how much more successful non-Western countries are at organizing against the encroachments of feminist tyranny than the U.S. and Europe. Perhaps rather than suffering under the slowly boiling pot of the feminazis for half a century, these cultures were thrust into the cauldron suddenly and could see the assault for what it was. At least this is true for countries strong and industrial enough to withstand Western blackmail. The Indian MRAs are fighting our fight for us. I wish them luck and us balls.

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