Man jailed by courts after courts bankrupt him

Story here. He couldn't pay child support because the courts took away his driver license. He lost his job because he could not drive so he could not pay child support and they threw him in jail. Deadbeat Dad my ass. Excerpt:

'Jeff Dolan spent Father’s Day in jail, locked away for failure to pay child support. Deadbeat dads don’t garner a lot of sympathy. But you don’t need to study Jeff’s case for long before you realize that he’s anything but a deadbeat. Instead, he’s a man hopelessly ensnared in a crushing bureaucratic machine: He’s in jail because he couldn’t pay child support, but he couldn’t pay child support because he was unemployed ... and he was unemployed because the court took his driver’s license for failure to pay child support ... after he went bankrupt paying his court costs.

There is no good news in this story, but there is some dark irony. Jeff, who despite a learning disability graduated high school and held down several construction jobs in his home state of Minnesota, was also a volunteer at a local sexual violence crisis centre. One of his jobs there, on top of fielding telephone calls from sexual assault survivors, was to talk to high school classes. One thing he taught was “male privilege” — the notion that society favours men in many varied, sometimes subtle ways, thus enabling sexual violence.'

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that said there was no God?
and He (imho) has to have a really good sense of humor.

one thing, when someone works in one specific field/job
for a good long time, many times that person can begin to
identify more and more w/ the thing he/she sees all day long, every day. once you move away from it your view of it can change, sometimes dramatically. been there.

i guess he will now get a chance to get himself a hole lotta
male privilege, first hand, so to speak. wonder will they even LET a deadbeat dad work around a bunch of feminists, if he ever gets out? nothing like due process, eh. contempt of court (SLAM!), contempt of court (SLAM!), contempt of court (BLAM!). hey look momma, i can be a judge too.

i got $5 says he won't work THERE anymore. any takers?

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that that damn fool still never learned anything from his experience. If he won $100K in the lottery and got back on his feet, he'd still go back to trying to brainwash H.S. boys about "male privilege." In fact, double or nothing says that he will never make the connection between his ordeal and the feminists he adores.

He does, after all, have a learning disability.

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