Innocent man jailed for 3 years over false rape claim - despite police knowing 'victim' was a fantasist

Article here. Excerpt:

"A man jailed when a woman falsely cried rape told of his fury yesterday after learning that police knew the woman was 'unreliable'. Warren Blackwell, 40, spent three years in jail as a convicted sex attacker until his 'victim' was unmasked as a fantasist who had accused other blameless men.
The woman - named under Parliamentary privilege as Shannon Taylor - said he indecently assaulted her outside a social club in the early hours of January 1, 1999, after a New Year's Eve party. A report revealed yesterday that officers were told Taylor was 'unreliable', ' unstable' and craved attention - but they failed to disclose it at his trial.
The mistake led to an appalling miscarriage of justice which saw father-of-two Mr Blackwell jailed in October 1999 for three years, which was later increased to five, despite no forensic evidence to back up the claims. His conviction was quashed in September 2006 when it became clear that not only did Mr Blackwell not commit the crime, it never took place.

In 2006, Lord Campbell-Savours used Parliamentary privilege to name the woman. Taylor, who is said to have made seven other false sex attack allegations, including one against her father, would otherwise have kept her identity secret for life. But she was not prosecuted for perjury, because prosecutors decided she was too ill. Taylor kept changing her name and moving, so police forces did not realise they were dealing with the same woman.'

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"she was not prosecuted for pergury, because prosecutors decided she was too ill". She does appear to be a capable criminal, moving and changing her name and successfully fooling the cops.

But they still decide she is too ill to prosecute... then how the fuck did her word convict him...

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