Men and Gender Neutral Domestic Violence versus Domestic Violence Policy

From Marc A.: Article here. Excerpt:

'Sometimes a situation isn’t as clear as some would like you to believe. Since the male perspective on domestic violence is rarely told and often suppressed, this article will examine anecdotal evidence to place the contemporary use and abuse of domestic violence in perspective. To paraphrase an African proverb: “The hunter will always be the hero until the lion gets his paws on the pen.”
Unfortunately, domestic violence policy has historically been utilized to unfairly structure a one sided biased conversation against men. One must understand that when VAWA was enacted, men were not in the equation. They were merely an afterthought. If anyone has noticed, Jerry Springer makes millions of dollars based mostly on female violence. However, those violent behaviors are being passed off as entertainment, not crimes of domestic violence or assault. Has anyone ever heard of a single domestic violence advocate protesting the Jerry Springer show? What’s happening on the Jerry Springer show isn’t funny or entertaining! However, female violence seems to be the primary focus of the Jerry Springer show.

Broadening the scope of domestic violence changes the image of the domestic violence suspect. A gender neutral domestic violence policy would allow VAWA funding to portray women as abusers as well as men. Which reverts back to what Chris Brown had said in his interview with Vibe Magazine. More importantly, it allows anyone involved in a gay male relationship to receive the needed services and funding that comes with being a victim. After all, VAWA funding is need based, not gender based. Domestic violence in the absence of gender neutrality is an antiquated law that must be revisited. The everlasting words of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. written while confined in the Birmingham Jail ring true on this subject: “An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”'

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Finally, a male journalist who allows that DV is not just something men do to women. In a chicken vs. egg speculation, I think that the writer was sought out by Angelucci rather than first researching the situation then seeking confirmation. Probaby just my cynicism

Still, it's a real good first step, despite this naive misunderstanding of gender realities:

    Truth be told, there are two competing movements that have organized as a result of VAWA. One involves the teaching of misandry which is the hatred of males. And two, involves the teaching of misogyny which is the hatred of females. Both groups are suspect because domestic violence mostly involves intimate partner violence.


One [the fems] teaches that misogyny is the cause of domestic violence. The other [us] teaches that misandry is the reason domestic violence is viewed through a gendered lens and funded accordingly.

In an effort to appear "fair"—very common among non-feminist MSM men—he posits that both sides are somewhat mistaken. Too bad there probably wasn't sufficient time to educate him on the indisputable facts. (Deadlines and all. Tomorrow he'll probably be writing on the oil spill.) But how many reporters of any persuasion bother to consult anyone other than the feminists? Maybe this is a trend.

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