Only 14 of world's 1,000 billionaires are self-made women

Article here. Excerpt:

"Only 14 of the world's 1,000 billionaires are self-made women, and only seven of them had no help from relatives, a new list has found.

In a list of the world's richest self-made women, American business magazine Forbes published the names of 14 women who have accrued $1 billion or more thanks to their own entrepreneurship rather than inheriting part or all of their fortune.

Seven of the women on the list were Chinese, Harry Potter author JK Rowling was the only British-born woman, and of the fourteen, at least five built their business empires with the help of husbands and brothers or sometimes both.

By contrast, Forbes said that 665 of the world's 1,011 dollar billionaires, including the three wealthiest men on the planet, Carlos Slim, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, were self-made men. That, it said, meant that the 'female billionaires' club' accounted for two per cent of the total number of self-made billionaires.

The magazine cited experts who put the shortage down to wildly differing attitudes to female achievement and equality around the world and the fact that women often had more nuanced less mercantile goals than men when it came to building a business."

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The article asks why are only 2% of the self-made billionaires women? The answer: men take more risks than women do. And if you are going to become fabulously wealthy, then you're probably going to take some big risks. This is an area where men do better than women. We shouldn't be afraid to say that.

But watch how Feminists will turn this around, thinking that this statistic somehow must reflect discrimination against women. Sorry Feminists, these days, in America, most new businesses are started by women. Women can and are getting into the game of making big money, they just are not winning big.

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When a full 50% of self made female billionaires live in a country that feminists boast as intensely hostile towards women and intensely hostile towards billionaires in general until the last decade - China - how can feminists argue discrimination as a factor? I mean the UK is a particularly progressive Western society that puts women on a high pedestal, allowing the "fairer" sex all sorts of special rights and privileges, and yet only one woman from made the list from that Mighty Matriarchy (technically the UK is a Matriarchy as the ruling monarch is a WOMAN)?

So if anything it would seem that adversity HELPS woman overcome the odds and strike it big. But that's always been the case. The stricter the regime, the more people under the regime get pushed out of the middle and towards the extreme ends. For example, the middle ages were not particularly pro-woman or pro-child, yet a 17 year old girl was able to become commander of one of the worlds two major armies at the time - Jeanne-D'Arc (Joan of Arc). The bigger the middle class in any society the less likely it becomes that exceptional individuals will seek to defeat the odds and rise to the extreme heights of that society.

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