Aragon, Spain: Law passed for shared parenting

Article (English translation) here. Excerpt:

'Today it is approved, in Cortes de Aragon, the new law of Shared Safekeeping. We want to pay a tribute to Antonio Henar, unquestionable leader of the fight by Custodia Shared in Aragon. (it follows….)

In this new Law it is observed, like preferred norm to be used by the judges, Shared Custodia.

Antonio Henar, throughout more than 10 years has presided over the APFS of Aragon, with its seriousness, its sobriety and its good one for doing realised multitude of action, manifestations, meetings and different directed activities from the attainment of Shared Custodia in Aragon.'

Ed. note: Original article in Spanish here. Wikipedia on Aragon here.

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