Action Alert: Atlantic Monthly Denigrates Dads for Father’s Day

Article here. Excerpt:

'To commemorate Father’s Day, the Atlantic Monthly published the anti-father article Are Fathers Necessary? A paternal contribution may not be as essential as we think (July/August 2010). It’s no surprise that author Pamela Paul’s arguments are factually flawed. Fathers & Families Board member Robert Franklin, Esq. explains:

Pamela Paul tells Atlantic Monthly readers that “there’s nothing objectively essential about his (dad’s) contribution.” Of course she could have said that about anyone; no one’s “contribution” is “objectively essential.” That Paul chose fathers about whom to make the observation speaks volumes about her bias in the matter.

Paul’s article takes off from an analysis of data on parents and children by Judith Stacey, a professor of sociology at New York University, and Timothy Biblarz, a demographer from the University of Southern California, that was published in the Journal of Marriage and the Family. Its purpose is to explain what effect (if any) parental gender has on children. The authors conclude that parental gender seems to make no difference in outcomes for children. That’s the “bottom line” of the study; Paul missed it.

Write a Letter to the Editor of The Atlantic Monthly by clicking here.

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Before I write a response, I just want to say I'm not an extremist. I think the whole human race is hurting and everyone suffers when one group is attacked. But it's articles like these that make me want to fight for my brothers:

Pamela Paul writes about how inferior men are, with only a small, vague study to back her up.

Rest assured, if she probably were to read an article about how inferior women are in Math and Science, and how they lack the innovation and drive to be as successful as the wealthiest people on earth, she'd probably get her panties in a bunch, crying bloody murder for how she and her "sisters" have been wronged, regardless of "statistics" and facts backing up such an argument.

Like most women who rely on cheap "statistics" to condemn men, she probably only believes the knife should cut one way.

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