Abusegate: NM Rep. Ben Lujan Calls Abusegaters “Domestic Violence Deniers”

From Abusegate Bob:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Recently Abusegate announced the names of 20 Senators and Representatives we are targeting for electoral defeat on November 2. One of those persons is Ben Lujan, Democratic congressman of New Mexico, who is a co-sponsor of the family-destructive International Violence Against Women Act.

So when Lujan found out his name was on our list, he issued a press release in which Lujan’s campaign manager called Abusegate a “fringe” organization that represents “domestic violence deniers” — see below.

Rep. Lujan may believe there are good reasons to support the International Violence Against Act. But engaging in political name-calling does little to burnish his image as a lawmaker who is working to help New Mexico families, as he claims on his website.

Rep. Lujan should apologize for his demagoguery — call his Washington office at 202-225-6190. Or shoot him an email at https://forms.house.gov/lujan/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm

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