DAHMW Fundraiser in Honor of Father's Day

A great way to show dad you care is by donating to a cause that specializes in helping men.

The DAHMW, 10 years old now, receives no federal or state funding. We have no paid employees.

Our volunteers donated over 14,000 hours last year to keep our helpline running and bring public awareness to this issue. We rely solely on the generosity of donations. Your donation of $10, $15 or $20 will help us keep our toll free helpline and website up and running. Everyone who donates will receive grateful acknowledgment through the Thank You Page on our Website. We'll post you and your dad's name, unless your prefer to remain anonymous. In order to donate, please click on the yellow "Donate" button on the Support Us page or go to our Facebook cause page at: http://www.causes.com/causes/207697

Jan Brown, Founder & Executive Director
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women

"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you."
– Dr. Wayne Dyer

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