UK: Night on domestic violence focuses on male victims

Story here. Excerpt:

'A conference about domestic violence against men and a candle-light vigil to honour slain London police officer David Lucio will be held Saturday.

Monday marks the third anniversary of Lucio’s death. The retired London police superintendent was shot by acting police inspector Kelly Johnson, with whom Lucio had broken off a relationship.

The conference will focus on “the rarely talked about reality of domestic violence against men,” according to a news release.

Lucio’s father, Doug Lucio, will speak at the conference about his views about his son’s treatment by London police after his death.'

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As I understand it, the Conference and vigil already took place Saturday June 5, 2010.

It took place in London, Ontario, Canada. London in Canada is a city of 300,000 people.

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I hate the word -- victim. A woman who assaults her husband is not victimizing him. Its a matter of disrespect. The word victim is synonymous with weakness.

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