F&F: Mom, Son Reunited After 2-Year CPS Nightmare

Blog entry here. CPS extremism sometimes whacks decent moms as well as dads. Excerpt:

'The case that's dropped jaws all across the U.S. and Canada is finally coming to an end. Judge Kip Leonard is finally allowing Noah Kirkman to return to his native Calgary after two years in foster care in Oregon. Read about it here (Yahoo, 5/29/10).

I and countless others have written outraged pieces about the case. Noah Kirkman is now 12 years old. When he was taken into foster care by Oregon authorities two years ago, he had not been abused; he had not been neglected. No one has ever claimed that his mother Lisa Kirkman (pictured) or his stepfather John Kirkman has ever been anything but a good parent to him. That's reflected in his grades which are straight A's despite Noah's severe ADHD.

No, in their zeal to substitute foster care for parental care, Oregon child welfare authorities decided that Lisa Kirkman had abandoned her son. How did they figure that? Well, he was living with his stepfather in Oregon, that's how. Make sense to you? After all, John has been the boy's steadfast and true dad for 10 of his 12 years on this earth. How Oregon child welfare workers and Judge Leonard concluded that a boy, who's never been abused or neglected in any way and who's living with his stepfather, had been abandoned is one for the record books. In all the annals of state intervention into families, has there ever been a case more arbitrary or capricious?'

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This has two elements that can go awry. First, step fathers. They get no respect from doctors, schools, ect that want a note from the mother that gives them permission to pick up or treat a child, etc.

Second is CPS (Child prtotective Sevices). This governement agency is like the police. They do a lot of good (seriously, they do), but you only hear about the bad stuff. But, like the police, they have too much power. When they do overstep, the parents are doomed.

I actually credit CPS for saving my life by removing me from a neglectful home before I was adopted. But I still don't trust them. I would never allow a CPS agent in my home!

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Interesting case when you read about it from this article:


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