Violence Against Women Act: turning the unwary into political roadkill?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Question: What do lawmakers Arlen Specter, Alan Mollohan, Barbara Boxer, and Orrin Hatch have in common?

Answer: They are all high-profile supporters of the federal Violence Against Women Act whose political fortunes have plummeted in recent months.
Most lawmakers who support the Violence Against Women Act sincerely believe the law is doing good. But according to a recent report, "Assaulting our Rights: How Domestic Violence Laws Curtail our Fundamental Freedoms" (, VAWA is dealing a devastating blow to our constitutional protections, with two million Americans having their civil liberties trampled upon every year.

Over time, that builds up into a tsumani of disenfranchised voters who are tired of business as usual in Washington DC. And that's why many lawmakers are thinking long and hard about reflexively supporting the Violence Against Women Act this time around.'

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