MND: How to Build a Man Bomb

Article here. Excerpt:

'And now, in keeping with the annals of our rigorously ignored history, we are setting about the business again of orchestrating a future catastrophe. After a bloody revolution for our freedom, the scourge of slavery, an even bloodier civil war, and a civil rights campaign that we handled with police dogs, riot guns and water cannons, we have put ourselves right back on the course of an inescapable social crisis.
A recent Wall Street Journal article, Meet the Unemployable Man, predicts that over the next several years, one in six men between 18 and 54 years old, or 18 million, will be unemployed, and unemployable.

That is 18 million men who will look for work and find none; millions of others who once carried briefcases or hammers and nails, but who will, in the days ahead, push brooms make French fries. There will be 18 million men who become the other guy. And that is in addition to the millions of other guys that are already walking among us.

The members of the matriarchy, like social terrorists, are partnering with and guiding government toward the inevitable explosion, and when it goes off, they will be the first to point the finger at men, even at MRA’s, for the fallout.

It won’t help them, though. Because whatever tragic end this comes to, it will not be at the hands of MRA’s, it will be in spite of our efforts to prevent it.

If the streets erupt again, as they have so many times before, they will be filled with average men who never heard of the men’s rights movement. They will just be poor men, many of them young and fatherless due to the current system, acting out their rage against a world that includes and idealizes women, but that treats them like social pariah.
It is a testament to men, and an exposure of lies perpetrated against them by gender ideologues that we have come this last half century without blood in the streets. It has always been in men’s nature to take care of others better than themselves, and they have proved that with their silence in the face of so many constant abuses. Betting on that silence to continue when men are hungry is foolish.
And because of that I write this genuinely afraid. The men’s movement, the only bomb squad we have, had better catch on in grand fashion, I think. And even if it does, we better hope it happens before the society we live in finds itself at ground zero when the clock ticks down.'

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Durn tootin'.

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