Cops in Canada warn that high school boys seek to have 'young girl parties', all without evidence

In British Columbia, the cops issued a warning that high school senior boys were using face book to find young girls to attend parties. The high schoolers it says seek to engage in sexual activity with the girls at these parties. However the story itself states there appears to be no evidence, no investigation, and no proof, only rumours. Based on that, the cops put every high school boy in that area under suspicion of being a sex criminal. Excerpt:

'Chilliwack police are warning parents about a group of high school boys who have been trying to lure pre-teen girls via Facebook to parties where they would get them drunk and sleep with them.
Last week, RCMP in Surrey warned parents that Grade 11 and Grade 12 boys at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School in Cloverdale had started a Facebook page to seduce eighth-grade girls.

They called the group the LGS Club the Little Girl Slayers Club.

I cant [sic] tie a definitive connection between whats going on in the (two schools), Wolbeck said.

At this point we havent formally engaged in any investigation ... We dont have specific people or events to tie to it.

Wolbeck said police are cautioning parents to be vigilant about where their teenagers are going and with whom.'

I’ve lived in Canada my whole life, and the increased attacks on teens and boys in this country by government agencies is out of control. I have to say the future looks darker with each passing day. June 5, 2010 I’ll hopefully be in London, Ont. for the DV Awareness Day. Go to for more info. I’m hoping this event will make me feel somewhat better about where my country's future is going. By the way, London Ont. is only 2 hours or so from Detroit, Toronto and about the same from Buffalo, in case anyone was wondering. There will be some interesting speakers.

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"At this point we havent formally engaged in any investigation ... We dont have specific people or events to tie to it."

The justice system in Canada (and most places - we are far from unique in this respect) is so incredibly broken. The cops are using water-cooler type rumors to spread fear in the community.

Sure the over all advice they give is good - watch what your kids are doing online and know where the hell they are going when they leave the house - but that's just common sense that every parent should do automatically without the fear that predators are preying on their young girls as a necessary incentive to actually parent their kids.

Plus I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how the cops say there are 12 grade boys preying on pre-teen girls, yet the only example they can come up with is sophomores and juniors partying with junior high girls - all of whom are TEENS and who would definitely be pubescent barring some genetic disorder that would delay puberty in .0001% of the children like Turners syndrome or similar.

Now for my own personal opinions on this behavior *if* it is actually occuring:

Perfectly normal human behavior on the part of BOTH the young boys and the young girls. I'm old now, but not old enough to have forgotten 7th and 8th grade, and back when I was in those grades there was not a single female in any class (my school had multiple 7th and 8th grade classes as most do) that was not absolutely desperate to be invited to a high school party. You know, perfectly normal teen aged type behavior. Anyone see the movie 13 going on 30?

Boys gloat, teen boys are boisterous and sometimes obnoxious, but they are not bad evil monsters that are preying on your little girls. They use names for groups like that specifically because it would drive parents insane - they do not understand the fear mongering among adults because they actually are the teens doing what teens do and they know what's going on is no where near as monstrous as adults fear it is. Trust me, most of the boys at the parties are virgins and the ones who are not are the ones the 13 year old girls are lining up to fuck to improve their social status among their FEMALE friends - the alpha female is the one who wins the alpha male. Are some 13 year olds sexually active? Yes. Are they being raped by high school boys? No. Have they been doing these things for as long as humans have walked upright? Yes.

Why do the cops, crown attorneys, judges and politicians feel the need to criminalize NORMAL teen behavior? It is perfectly normal for young girls in the years leading up to high school to want to spend time with and interact with the older kids already in high school - this has ALWAYS been the case. It is perfectly normal for young males to date girls younger then themselves as well. Despite the public opinion that boys who've been molested by female teachers got lucky, most boys prefer girls their same age or younger. This is just another example of the war on boys as Matt would say.

All of this is perfectly normal teen behavior. Any parent who has a teen knows that teens live to aggravate their parents - they use language that scares or enrages their parents on purpose, but the reality of the behavior that is actually going on is almost always much more mundane. Also perfectly harmless to all people involved. A 13 year old girl knows exactly what she's getting into going to a high school party and in many cases it's the younger girls at the party being hyper sexual to get noticed over the more mature high school girls. None of this behavior is generally harmful, though rare exceptions occur where people get in over their heads. But the situations where teens get in over their heads should not be handled by the CRIMINAL justice system as merely teaching them the correct ways to interact with members of the opposite sex works much better long term then branding young boys as monsters for the rest of their lives.

Plus, since the age of consent in Canada is 16, if anyone, the cops should be warning the young boys about the fact that the 13 year old girls parents can have him thrown in jail no matter how willing she was. It is the teen boys who will end up on the sex offender registry and targeted for discrimination for life no matter how much a the 13 year old girl wanted to find out how it tastes. So if any police campaign is necessary, it should be targeting the teen boys with caution about what jail bait is. She may want it at the time it happens, but if she ever regrets it at any point from the time it occurred until the day she dies (no statutes of limitations in Canada) you will be charged.

This can be the slogan to nail it home for young boys - 'If she gets grounded for it, you will go to jail for it!'

Some one really needs to write a book targeted at teen boys called 'How getting a blowjob can ruin your life'.

Let's get on it people. WE as MRAs need to protect our boys because everyone else is looking to prosecute them instead.

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