Abusegate: DV Dimwits Beware! “Adopt-a-Politician” Campaign to be Launched Next Week

From Abusegate Bob:

Is your elected official a DV Dimwit when it comes to voting for every loony domestic violence bill that comes along?

This coming week, Abusegate, Investigate! will launch a high-profile campaign: “Adopt-a-Politician, Help Clean up Washington.” The campaign will list about 20 Washington incumbent politicians – Senators and Representatives – who just don’t get it when it comes to VAWA reform. The objective is simple: Target them for defeat on November 2, 2010.

We will invite Abusegate supporters to “adopt” one or more of these politicians, and do everything in their power to secure their defeat.

Tired of the DV Dimwits in Washington DC? Ready to bring about true change? Then jump on the “Adopt-a-Politician” bandwagon!

Source: http://abusegate.mensnewsdaily.com/2010/05/27/dimwitted-lawmakers-beware-adopt-a-politician-campaign-to-be-launched-next-week/

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