Canada: Falsely accused Quebec teacher struggles to cope

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Quebec elementary school gym teacher says he is struggling to rebuild his life after having been falsely accused of sexual touching.

A rumour began circulating at Henri Fournier's school in February 2008 involving 19 girls between the ages of eight and 13 who accused him of inappropriately touching girls, sometimes in front of other students.

Officials at Notre Dame de l'Assomption Elementary School in Chateauguay, south of Montreal, took the allegations seriously and suspended Fournier without pay.

He was eventually arrested on 34 charges of sexual touching and spent a week in custody. The case gained a great deal of media attention.

Situations like Fournier's have the effect of discouraging men from a career in teaching younger children, even while elementary schools are desperate for more men to act as role models, said McGill University education professor Jon Bradley, who is doing research on males in the education system.

'The number of males coming into the elementary ed program at McGill University is five per cent," said Bradley. "The number of males who have been in my research group who are still in elementary five years after graduation is zero per cent."'

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"When he ruled to acquit Fournier, the judge said the actions described by the girls were not inappropriate acts of a sexual nature but were part of the teacher's warm paternal approach with children."

Hang 'em high and let God decide if he's a pedo or not. I'm with John Walsh, it's just to dangerous to let males near children.

Plus, I don't understand that "paternal" word the judge used but it sounds like patriarchy to me and I know that's bad.

Only women should be allowed near children. Women are not pedos.


Seriously, this man is owed much more then back pay for the suffering he has endured. 20 months it took to clear his name and when you Google him, the accusations still come up first. I hope these young girls have at least been taught that what they did was wrong. We already have enough young ladies who use the power of the State at whim to harm those they do not like. Female virtue is a medieval concept that is very out of date if it ever had any basis in reality and we need to devalue it immediately since we have an entire generation of girls using it as a weapon

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