Jurors in tears as they clear student of rape - then discover another man falsely accused by same 'victim' had killed himself

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman drove a man to suicide by crying rape and forced a second innocent man to consider taking his life after falsely accusing him of a similar sex attack.

Despite being exposed in court as a serial liar, legal restrictions mean the 21-year-old woman can never be identified.

A jury took only 45 minutes to clear medical student Olumide Fadayomi, 27, of rape.

But several jurors at Sheffield Crown Court broke down in tears when the judge revealed the 'victim' had a history of crying rape.

Judge Patrick Robertshaw launched a stinging attack on the Crown Prosecution Service for making Mr Fadayomi stand trial.'

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She faces NO CHARGES WHATSOEVER after she has ENDED one life and torn another completely and irreparably to shreds.

Even her FRIENDS gave evidence AGAINST her. She is AT LEAST as vile as any rapist. Why? Well, if you believe the argument that rape is no a crime of sexual desire but one of power and control over the victim, then a false accusation of rape is equally about power and control over the target of the accusation. In this case she only had intercourse with the young man so that she could boast to her friend "I have evidence this time". THAT IS RAPE! She had sex with him exclusively for the purpose of collecting genetic evidence to bolster a claim she was planning to make against him.

The jury seems to have gotten the point, in that their tears were for the young man who lost his life and the young man who was tortured for 7 months and considered suicide but was strong enough to endure, but the many of comments seemed to miss the point entirely. Placing their sympathy for and calling for her prosecution on behalf of real rape victims that will be discouraged from coming forward as a result of this unnamed vile woman. No. The victims are the two men whose lives she destroyed. They are as deserving of justice as any rape victim.

Of course that's my biggest problem with the victim's rights movement - they only like certain victims and others are not worthy of help in their view. How many woman have been raped every second of every day for 7 months? The young man in this case was. Over and over and over again starting with the night SHE RAPED HIM to collect his genetic material to use against him over time in the ongoing attack she was orchestrating against him. So why is he not worthy of support in the view of victim's rights advocates?

Men are put to death in many countries for less vile acts then this woman has committed and she remains safely anonymous to continue to to destroy more lives in the future with NO CONSEQUENCES for her actions. Sickening isn't it?

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