Mother stages fake arrest of 5-YO son because he played with matches

Article here. Excerpt:

'An American mother persuaded police to stage a fake arrest of her son when she
caught him misbehaving.

But far from being a criminal matter the 'offence' was that he was playing with matches - and the boy was just five years old.

Appalled neighbours looked on, unaware the whole thing was a stunt, as officers handcuffed the crying child - who was barely tall enough to reach the wheel of their patrol car - and put him on the back seat.

They threatened him by saying: 'You want to go to jail?' over and over again before finally releasing him back to his mother.
'I hope it scared him to not play with matches or lighters again. That was the whole point of it, it was to make him afraid he was going to jail.'

Witnesses disagreed, with one neighbour bursting into tears as she recounted the incident.

'That's not a way to treat a child, that's not a way to teach a lesson to a little boy,' said the woman, in her 30s, said.'

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Anyone needing evidence of overt evidence of a war on boys from the state, here it is. Would they do this to a girl? No.

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Clearly child abuse, calling him a criminal... What's next getting a psychologist to call him crazy if he doesn't listen to his mother?

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Stupid woman, stupid police woman !

Like0 Dislike0 what's needed here, of the mother and the cops. Sadism, that's all this is.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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- 10 year olds actually charged with and brought to trial for rape (Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada wants to alter the criminal code to allow that kind of travesty of justice to happen here to - right now you have to be 12 to face criminal charges)
- young boys having the snot beat out of them by teachers
- Cops actually responding to this psychopaths request to put her son in hand cuffs and scream at him as if he were being arrested (Stop watching Maurey and start parenting your son)
- Schools from pre-kindergarten to pHD designed to inhibit male success
-New laws passed every week to criminalize another aspect of male sexuality (to bad no one reads the laws and does not know what the hell is illegal because when they arrest you be assured they will inform you - 'ignorance is no excuse for disobeying the law')
- Divorce laws designed solely to pillage and plunder fathers and remove children from their lives (see previous point to understand that ALL males even dads are presumed child molesters)
- President Obama nominates a woman to the Supreme court of The USA that has NEVER served as a judge but is a feminist.
- Testosterone is a controlled substance but estrogen is available everywhere prescription free and is a common food additive.
and on and on it goes

Heck even The Simpsons this past Sunday had a joke slipped in about how absurd feminism has gotten with Lisa talking to Santa's little Helper about being an 8 year old girl of the 21st century and knowing what it's like to be judged solely by her looks.

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I guess the police have run out of adults to harass, so they have moved onto children. Next they can arrest nude newborn babies for indecent exposure.

I see in the picture it took at least two officers to carry out this charade.

And some parents defend this because parents have become "too soft" on their kids resulting in increased dangerous and criminal behavior in children. So they conclude that a big dose of jail threats from the police will do the trick.

Note to parents: The increase in dangerous and criminal behavior is the result of NOT parenting your own kids. There is no need to rely on the schools, police or other government agencies to do your job.

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God I saw some of the most frustrating statements, especially from ones claiming to be mothers; didn't see those claiming to be fathers. It amazes that some people who see something wrong with the system think to is therefore OK to take these frustrations out on the kids. Beating a kid or calling the cops on a kid.

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