Women marrying men with less education, income

Article here. Excerpt:

'Academic and workplace strides among women are outpacing those of men in the United States and the gains are affecting who educated women marry, sociologists say. Studies find women are marrying men with less education. The income balance is shifting in American households.

If dating is a numbers game, then single ladies should consider this: A Pew Research Center report this year noted a surge in women between the ages of 30 and 44 making more money than their husbands. Women made more money than men in 22 percent of married couples surveyed in 2007, compared with 4 percent in 1970. While men make more money overall and hold more management positions, women are making greater gains.

"The supply of men has changed," said D'Vera Cohn, senior writer at the Pew Research Center's Social and Demographic Trends project. "The pool of college educated men isn't growing as rapidly as it is for women."

The recession has shaken some traditional gender expectations, said several marriage and family experts. About 4.7 million jobs were lost among men during the recession, according to April figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Two million women lost their jobs, the report said, leaving more women to become sole supporters of their families.
But most educated women prefer to secure a partner on the same educational level -- or higher. A woman with a master's degree may marry someone without an advanced degree, but he will likely have a bachelor's degree, said Christine B. Whelan, author of the book "Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women." Since the couple is the same social class, the educational differences matter less.'

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The alternative is that women not marry (and men, likewise). So if people (of the opposite sex, that is) will continue to get married, due to trends of education and income, women must of necessity be marrying men of lesser and lesser education and income as a general rule until eventually, the typical married couple will see the missus as the primary-majority income earner. I imagine this being normative here in the western world by 2050, probably sooner, with a divergence as much on average of around 50% of her income (ie, if she earns $50k, he earns $25k)

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Matt's first point is what occurred to me when I read the post. Since women are obtaining ever more 'educational qualifications' it follows that compared to the past they will be marrying men with comparatively lesser such qualifications. Where I digress is in believing that this will mean that women will be the primary earners. It might mean this but I don't think it is certain. Having an 'educational qualification' does not actually mean that your are able or 'qualified' to do any sort of job, and particularly the sort of job that might exist in the coming decades. It has been said before but I say it again. Women by and large do not have productive jobs. They may work hard but largely they are cogs in administrative machines. In the end nothing is produced but bureaucracy. There is a lot of this going on today. May be it will go on for ever but I can not see it. In the end there has to be 'stuff'. There can not just be paperwork. May be administration is just another bubble. When it bursts what will be left is work.

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Less educated and with less income = A man that is easier to keep under control.

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These men already have less power than women in terms of DV, divorce, child custody, and on top of that they are supposed to marry women with more social and economic status? Hell, its little more than slavery.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Worse off is that while men make more money (though its changing) because they work more women still have greater purchasing power. Therefore in sum while men earn more money women still have more say as to how it is spent.

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