IA makes its 25k signature goal, delivers petition

From an IA newsletter:

'In late April, I spoke via conference call with Dr. Peter Kilmarx, Chief of HIV/AIDS Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control, and several other officials from the CDC, to urge them to refrain from recommending routine circumcision for baby boys. I told them Intact America had a petition from thousands of you who felt the same way.

On May 6th, we followed up by sending 25,278 signatures to the CDC to drive home the message.

I want to thank you and the tens of thousands of intactivists who added your names to this petition calling for the protection of our baby boys.

It's not over between us and the CDC. We'll be in touch to let you know its response to our petition.'

IA's website is http://www.intactamerica.org/

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