Disabled lawyer faces sexual harassment charges over uncontrollable spastic movements
Story here. First off, those not knowing what cerebral palsy is should read about it here, with an emphasis on reading about its symptoms. A person with a bad case of this is indeed subject to spastic and uncontrolled movements. If they result in embarrassing situations, then they do. People who have any understanding of this will know it and act accordingly.
But since the person in this case with the condition is male and the person inconvenienced and/or embarrassed (nay, *offended*) by the symptoms thereof is female, he is facing criminal charges for exhibiting symptoms of a nervous system condition over which he has no control.
In short, this is about as clear-cut a case of legalized oppression of males as I can imagine. It is in the same category of what happened to black men if they even so much as accidentally looked at a white woman during the days of slavery here in the US. Article:
'A disabled lawyer accused of touching the rear end of a Taxi and Limousine Commission judge is blaming it on his cerebral palsy.
Queens prosecutors have charged Hippocrate Mertsaris, 35, with sexual abuse and sexual harassment for allegedly grabbing the woman's inner thigh and buttocks during a meeting in her Kew Gardens offices.
Mertsaris' lawyer, Wyatt Gibbons, admits his client touched the woman but denies it was sexual.
"He whacked her in the butt but it wasn't sexual abuse," Gibbons said. "He has spastic movements."
Gibbons says the East Elmhurst man uses a wheelchair and gets around with the help of a health care aide.
"If he was starving to death and had a hamburger in front of him he couldn't lean over to pick it up," Gibbons said.
A hearing on the matter is scheduled for June 15.'
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In short, this is about as
In short, this is about as clear-cut a case of legalized oppression of males as I can imagine. It is in the same category of what happened to black men if they even so much as accidentally looked at a white woman during the days of slavery here in the US.
Thing is, black folks knew they were oppressed. Most men, at best, believe it's a man's world; at worst, they believe they're the oppressors. And what I find especially frustrating is that even on the rare occasions that they wake up and smell the misandry, they never make the connection between the hatred and the cold hand of feminism. Sure, they may see the hyper-reactive laws, the cynical legislators, the zero-tolerance stupidity, the hard-hearted judges and hard-assed law enforcers. They may even rail against the whiny, self-indulgent "victims," but never do they catch a glimpse of the women behind the curtain. Like the Mafia don who orders hits or the KKK grand dragon who "suggests" that a particular church is a problem, the mailed fist of feminism is hidden behind the silk glove. If only someone could produce an exposé with the thoroughness of the Misandry series on those harpies! That is, a "smoking gun" exposé that doesn't devolve into a rightwing screed.
And regarding the article, why isn't the judge named? I know, I know, she's the victim of a "sexual crime"; but geez, she's a freakin' judge not some delicate Victorian virgin. She's exactly the kind of mole the fems have infested institutions with, taking out men at her leisure, and it would be helpful to identify her. This accusation should follow her career as a badge of infamy, serving notice like an entry on a sex offender registry.