Obama nominates Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

Story here. My prediction of 4/22 was wrong. I didn't think he'd tap a person already in his administration for the position. She's currently the US solicitor-general, who is the top lawyer for civil cases the United States is involved in either as a plaintiff, respondent, or appellant. But, he did. One part of the prediction I did get right though was that the nominee would be female. No man would even be considered under the current "paradigm of thinking" that pervades Washington at the moment.

Ms. Kagan's Wikipedia entry is here. As I mentioned in my comments of 4/22, there is nothing in the entry regarding her views on repro. rights, but Obama did say he would nominate someone with a strong history of supporting them. She has never been a presiding judge in her career, so it's unlikely she can have developed an "official record" one way or another.

Obviously she still has the confirmation process to go through. When that will happen, I don't know. But I do know this: This is a very good window of opportunity for MRAs to get male repro. rights issues voiced to her and to our representatives.

Undoubtedly she will be asked questions about her views regarding many things and like other candidates for the SC, undoubtedly she will avoid answering them, saying she has no specific cases before her, etc., etc. But if even one of those questions asks her of her views regarding the imbalance of repro. rights between men and women under the law, it will at least get the issue on the tube. At the moment, it doesn't get any air time at all.

So stay tuned! There's an opportunity here for activism we don't want to pass up.

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Actually i'm not - what else was a guy like this going to do? Nominate a white man? Ha!
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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in all my young 50 something years
have i met/known a lesbian who gave
a fart in a windstorm what men want,
or think.

hard core lesbos are by def., and almost
to a man (pun), hard core feminists.
she showed her liberal stripes in opposition to allowing
the military to legally recruit on campus.

i wouldn't hold my breath here guys.

also, maybe she should show us some credentials
up front. being obama's close friend, you never know. ha!

and let's not forget, or let her forget the 300 lb.
walrus in the room, she has always benefited from,
at some other HONEST American's expense, affirmative action.

i guess the days of actually earning degrees, promotions and fancy positions are gone forever.

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I have no idea if she is a lesbian or not, despite the rumors. I have met lesbians who were sympathetic to men's concerns, sometimes because they identified so much with men (as masculine women) that they could see our POV on things, or because they saw what happened to fathers or brothers in relationships or inside The System when their marriages went phooey. There are also plenty of gay men who, one might assume, would be sympathetic to men, but are not. I have seen gay men wear "Boys suck" T-shirts like so many obnoxious teenage girls. And how many heterosexual men are there in the world that have no sympathy at all for men's issues and in fact have made the most effective of feminists? Plenty.

The sense of justice and injustice around issues people may have may or may not be influenced by their sexuality. It's really anyone's guess. I know this much: the chances of her being confirmed are very good. It would take pictures of her from her recent past smoking crack to get her un-nominated. If she goes up in front of the Senate any time before November (and she will), she will get confirmed. The best we can hope for, as with any SC member, is that she can, when the matter arises, take men's interests in seeking equal justice under the law into account. One possible case to bring up to her, should the time come, was discussed in a post on MANN here. Just one example. Like her or not, for whatever reason, she is going to take Steven's place on the court.

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