Harvard Crimson: Men Champion Women’s Cause

Article here. Excerpt:

'eminism is a word that some people wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole. Though it is sometimes perceived as a unilateral campaign against men, women’s rights and gender equality groups are increasingly presenting it as a movement in which people of all genders can be involved. Many scholars, activists, and student leaders are coming to redefine the term. Many of these are men.

“As a guy, I’m happy to be a feminist,” says Hugo Van Vuuren ’07, a workshop leader at the Office of Sexual Response and Prevention and the co-founder of MenSpeakUp, a website that promotes gender equality. “All it means is that you believe in equal rights.”
Both Marine and Castro Samayoa suggest ways for men to become respectfully involved and supportive of feminism.

Marine says that men can be more effective by confronting other men about issues of gender equality.

“When a man addresses another man about a problem in society, he may be more likely to see it as something pertinent to his own life than if a woman brought it up,” she says.

Castro Samayoa notes that men, like those coming from the middle of the bell curve, need to have their assumptions about feminism challenged in order to take an active stance in the movement.'

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Well, we'll see about that! :) But be forewarned, the comments are of course moderated. We may not get through the denial-of-free-speech iron curtain that so often cloaks university web sites these days.

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