Two Women Face Charges for False Report

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two women are now facing felony charges after filing a false rape report this weekend in Fort Smith. Police arrested 19-year-old Heather Smith and her 21-year-old roommate Jeni Melton, after they claimed two unidentified men came into their apartment and raped Smith.
The women told police they had left Roosters around 3 a.m. and shortly after they arrived at their residents on Birnie Avenue, two men came into their home uninvited. According to the report, one suspect pinned Melton to the floor, while the second raped Smith in a back bedroom.
After several interviews and a 12-hour investigation, both men were released and will not face any charges. An additional witness to the incident came forward and police discovered major discrepancies in the initial allegations.

Smith and Melton were re-interviewed, arrested and charged with Filing a False Police Report, which is a felony. Both are being held in the Sebastian County Detention Center without bond.'

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....what's up with half the story being about the location where the two men were sleeping when they were FALSELY arrested for a crime and the fact that the SWAT team was called because there was a gun there.

So these to RAPIST women randomly picked two guys they shared a cab with to victimize (you know, like rare male rapists occasionally randomly victimize women they pick out at random) and the report spends more time making these two guys look like they may not be good guys even though they did NOTHING wrong.

When was the last time you heard of a woman being raped on a bike path or where ever being painted as though she may be a bad person?

Love how even though the two men were not named (surprisingly) the location of their residence is the only residence given in the report.

Oh, and when was the last time you heard of any female rape victim that was raped for over 12 hours straight? Cause that's the lucky treatment those two men received. Oh, it's different cause the girls weren't the one's actually abusing them (they had the cops do it for them). Well, I say if a person rapes some one themselves or has some one else do it for them, they are equally culpable. Trust me, cops don't treat rape suspects well, and falsely accused men face terror like no woman on Earth knows because they know rape is a crime that is guilty until proven innocent and an accusers word alone is all it takes to get you convicted. So, no I do not think saying those two men were raped for 12 hours straight by those two girls is unfair or over reaching at all.

The question is, will the justice system treat them the same as it would treat two men who abducted and raped two women in a taxi cab for 12 hours? Since I suspect that neither of these women will see even one year in prison if convicted, I would have to say there is no chance they would be sentenced based appropriately for the harm they have done to their victims.

Oh, and NO, the victims of these two women are not the imaginary victims that may stay silent for fear of not being believed. Read my older posts if you want to learn what kinds of incentives are on the table to entice rape victims to come forward, or just call your local police department and ask if they offer victims services for sexual assault victims.

The victims are these two men, and society should not require any further imaginary victims to justify imposing a fitting prison sentence on these women if convicted.

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