New Zealand Teenager admits making up false rape claim because she liked the attention

Story here. Excerpt:

'Auckland, May 4 (IANS) A New Zealand teenager has admitted she falsely accused a man of raping her.

Christchurch District Court Judge Stephen Erber Tuesday told the 19-year-old student that her lies had “devalued the currency” for women who made genuine complaints of rape, New Zealand Herald reported.

Erber said that people may look at other women’s complaints sceptically because of her actions.

The teenager pleaded guilty in court to the charge of making a false statement.

“In explanation, she stated she did it because she liked the attention,” Constable Michael Tualii, the police prosecutor, was quoted as telling the court.'

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.... I raped those people cause I really like to fuck.

Seriously, she admits that she endangers the lives of others for attention and the best the judge can come up with is the tired old fiction that the only people she is harming are real rape victims?

A. She is doing no harm whatsoever to real victims of rape. does the fact that some people commit insurance fraud and falsely report their cars stolen make you think twice about calling the cops after work when you find your parking spot empty? No, your car is gone, your not thinking about people who've defrauded insurance companies, you want your damn car back.

B. I have no idea what the culture is like in New Zealand, but I would imagine it's not unlike most Western countries where there is a vast array of victims services available to rape victims that already mitigate any harm done to the possibility of real victims not being believed.

C. Rape is the only crime I know of that you can obtain a conviction solely on the word of the victim with no corroborating evidence at all and, again I don't know about New Zealand, but I would imagine this holds true there as well as it does in most of the world - cops take ALL rape claims seriously and at face value until some one beats them over the head with evidence proving the contrary.

The only potential future harm this WOMAN (since when is 19 still considered a child?) is the potential to harm any and all men she ever lays eyes on the next time she feels deprived of attention.

We don't say rapists harm the credibility of all honorable men when we lock them up and throw away the key. We lock them up and throw away the key so they don't hurt anyone else. So lock her up to keep her from hurting anyone else.

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How long before this is classified as an off-shoot of Munchhausen syndrome?


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