Labor Force Polarized as Middle-Skill Jobs Disappear: Report

Article here. Yes, society can continue to make family court a black hole of discrimination and human rights abuses where information about discrimination doesn't get our, but discrimination in education and labor will only get increasingly hard to ignore. They try to skirt over it a little in this article, but how much longer will this be effective depends on people like us. Excerpt:

'Middle-skills jobs have lost share in the employment pool in the last three decades, a trend of labor-market "polarization" reinforced by the recession, according to a report released Friday.
"Perhaps most alarmingly, males as a group have adapted comparatively poorly to the changing labor market," Autor wrote. "For males without a four-year college degree, wages have stagnated or fallen over three decades. And as these males have moved out of middle-skill blue-collar jobs, they have generally moved downward in the occupational skill and earnings distribution."

The employment and earnings of less-educated males have been particularly harmed by fewer middle-skill, blue-collar jobs in manufacturing, according to the report.

"The job opportunities available to males displaced from manufacturing jobs, particularly those displaced at midcareer, are likely to be primarily found in lower-paying service occupations," Autor wrote.

Why have middle-skilled jobs declined? Changes in technology, international trade, and the off-shoring of jobs all play a part.'

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